Saturday, October 29, 2011

Darlings, These Activists Are On The Forefront!!!!!!!!!!

Social activism seems to be in vogue these days, girls, what with Occupy Wall Street, Occupy St. Vincent's, and the like. Where the hell is Joan Baez, when she is needed????? It has gotten to the point where I might go down there with my guitar and do a few Joan songs--I can still do a credible "Portland Town," "Fennario," "Long Black Veil," even "Joe Hill"!!!!!!

But, meantime, in this town--New York City, of course; where else???-- we have two activists of our own, who are on the forefront of everything, and are in and of themselves REAL characters!!!! I am talking about none other than the Reverend Al Sharpton, and the Miss Pauline Park!!!!!!!

You have just got to LOVE Reverend Al!!!!! He has even appeared on "Law And Order," and, honey, let me tell you, he is the only one I have seen who can make playing themself equal to a great theatrical performance. You know that play on Broadway, right now, with Samuel Jackson, and Angela Bassett, entitled "The Mountaintop," where Jackson plays the Reverend Martin Luther King??? I am truly surprised Sharpton did not take it upon himself to offer himself to the producers in the lead role!!!! But don't hold your breath, darlings; when Jackson's and Bassett's contracts run out, we may just see Sharpton step in there!!! And wouldn't that be a hoot??? Fran Lebowitz, when playing a judge, runs a close second. Makes sense, since both have considerable egos!!!!!

Getting back to the Reverend, it is all about grooming as it is for social justice!!!!! He has to be one of the GAYEST straight men in town; he spends as much, if not more, on his appearance, than some dizzy queens I know!!!! And doesn't he always look fabulous, girls??????

With Al Sharpton, appearance counts for as much as social justice!!!! Which is exactly why, no matter what cause he espouses, somehow it manages to figure into the coffers--financial OR philosophical-- of Reverend Al!!!! Is he a scam artist????
Some might call him such, but, lambs, I just cannot resist his blend of piety and self-priority!!! The American spirit, darlings!!!!! Doesn't it just warm the cockles of your sophisticated hearts??????

Likewise, we have Miss Pauline Park. Now, while she may get more limited media exposure than Reverend Al, and directs to a more limited scope--Transgender Rights--her wardrobe is no less fastidious!!!! I have met Miss Pauline many time; I have even been to her house, darlings, where she always turns out a dashing figure in her glam wardrobe (the makeup is fantastic!!!!), can throw a wild party, and even
fluidly pound a set of piano keys!!!!! Pauline, darlings, is a true Renaissance Woman!!!!!

This frail flower has one strong stem!!! No Memoirs Of A Geisha here, honey!!!!! When Pauline speaks to the people--her people--she is impassioned and dedicated, both to them, and to herself. After all, if a little of this activism, good as it is for those to whom she espouses, happens, simultaneously, to be equally as good for Pauline, what harm is there, really????? Miss Park's charm overrides all!!!!!

We should be so lucky to have two--not just one, but two!!--such activists in our town!!!! More activists should take their cues from these!!! Why, darling, for example, do you think I do all my Tyler Clementi advocacy by word, darlings???? Not just because it is the form I work best in--which is true-- but because I sure as hell cannot match the presence or glamour of Miss Pauline or Reverend Al!!!!!! My wardrobe sure can't hold a candle to theirs!!!!! And let's not get started on the hair!!!!!

But who knows; maybe I will be before the media, before long!!!! In which case, I may have to hire a stylist!!!! Or, at least, place a telephone call to Blythe Danner!!!!!!

You know, darlings at one time, I thought our--the Baby Boomers--generation was an apathetic one!!! And there is certainly lots of it present. But the further we get removed from it, the more concerned I am about apathy's expansion!!!! However one may feel about the ingenuousness of these two activists, at least they are out there, speaking out on behalf of something, rather than being a bunch of lemmings with their mouths clamped shut, like the father of "Mr. Sardonicus" as he smolders in the grave!!!!!!

So, a fond salute to Reverend Al and Miss Pauline!!!! They may not be united on the same platform, but at least they get out there and advocate!!!!! With the best coiffure and couture in town!!!!!!

Right On!, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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