Friday, October 21, 2011

Girls, Is Homophobia Rearing Its Ugly Head???????

You have to wonder, darlings, in light of some recent developments in the Tyler Clementi case!!!!

Judge Glenn Berman, who, hitherto, has done an excellent job, made a decision I question highly, when he maintained that the identity of "M.B.", Tyler Clementi's companion, be revealed to both Dahrun Ravi and his defense team. This is a mistake.

First of all, how is it relevant to the situation at hand???? It is not; furthermore, with the defense out to demonize a tragically deceased young man, now they want to demonize someone while he is alive??? This is turning into some kind of Homosexual Witch Hunt!!!!

I will admit, I am as curious as the next guy about the one Tyler Clementi was with. We already know, through HIS attorney, that he does not want to come forward, as he is uncomfortable with people finding out he is gay. Which clearly shows that he has something to hide--a partner, straight or otherwise, an unsympathetic family, a hostile work environment. All of which deserve exposure, by the way!!!! What is even stranger is not only is his identity to be revealed, but his date of birth??? What bearing does that have on anything??? If Tyler were underage, maybe, but he was eighteen, free, and legal!!!!! Several references have been made to M.B.'s "occupation," which tells me he is NOT a student at Rutgers, but out of college and working. Or he could be working his way through school at another nearby institution. In any case, he did not have to live among the Rutgers community 24/7, like Tyler, which put him at a distanced advantage.

Now, Berman has stipulated that Ravi and team must not reveal M.B.'s identity to anyone else. Come on; are you kidding??? As soon as the info is revealed, somehow it will be leaked out, and this guy will have no life to himself any more, as he will be targeted from all sides--the media, Tyler supporters and detractors--who will want to extract every piece of information from him in order to piece together more information about Tyler. Which is exactly what the defense wants to do; because M.B. did not kill himself, even though he too was filmed by Ravi, they hope that what he says (or what they try to coerce him into saying) will indicate there was much more to Tyler's mental state that led him to suicide than being filmed by Ravi and Wei!!!!
Bullshit!!!!!!!!! This indicates desperation on the defense's part, and if they were so smart, shouldn't it occur to them that forcing this hand could blow up in their faces???? It could, and, honey, I sure hope it does!!!!!

As for M.B.'s posturings about not wanting others to know he is gay, I think the gentleman doth protest too much!!! Let me say, looking back on my life, I understand to a point. Let's say this guy is, at most, twenty five. He has emotional security issues, which, when you are gay, is a given. He is young enough, and inexperienced enough, for him not to realize he has more to gain than lose by coming out. And, yes, I know that is his business, and a decision he should make in his own time, and on his own terms. But if there is a veneer of hypocrisy hidden here--a wife and kid, a history of gay action on the side--it should be exposed, because I will not tolerate it, as this only fuels America's already rampant homophobia, and perpetuates it. But you have to feel sorry for this guy--he hooks up with a younger fellow for some mutual pleasure....and then said fellow turns out to be the subject of the most profiled gay related news story in the ten years since Matthew Sheppard was murdered!!!!! As enlightened as I am now, that would give me cause for concern; now, imagine someone not so enlightened!!!!!

And, honey, let me tell you, since he and Tyler did hook up, they had more occupying themselves than verbal ramblings about their emotional states. And the fact that Tyler pursued this indicates to me a healthy outlook--comfortable with himself, desiring some kind of a connection, maybe even experience that would eventually net him, if not with this guy, then another, a long term relationship!!!!
Tyler's behavior at this point is indicative to me here of a healthy mind state, no matter how the defense tries to smear him.

I can tell you, if Tyler had stuck around, had he spoken for himself (though I wonder if the prosecution would have put him on the stand), this would be done with right now, and Ravi would be behind locked doors.

Let's pray he soon is, for justice for Tyler's sake. And he may well be, which leads to the second development here. It seems young Rajah Of Self-Righteousness Dahrun Ravi was offered a plea deal, which could have kept him out of prison!!!! But, because he feels he is SO right, he rejected that, and so a trial date has been set for February 21, 2012. New Brunswick will certainly be a hot bed or media presence then, so that town had better watch out, and start getting ready now. Ravi is so smugly confident he will win; he needs to wipe that smirk off his face. He is the center of his own show, but let me tell you, there is much more at stake here than HIM!!!! I said it once and I say it again, a victory here would be dangerous, because then personal responsibility goes out the window, and it then would become acceptable not only to encroach upon homosexuals, but would trickle on down to ANYONE who does not meet America's unwritten and judgemental criteria of normality.

That is what is at stake here! And it is what Tyler, looking on, wants us to fight for!!!! He deserves justice for himself, and to prevent future Tyler occurrences!!!!

Listen to him ,darlings!!!! Don't allow discrimination--of any kind--to flourish!!! The clock must not be allowed to turn back!!!!!

Let it start ticking, once Ravi begins his jail term!!!!!!!

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