Thursday, October 20, 2011

Girls, It Is Darn Near A Tie This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me tell you, darlings, nothing is predictable about Bitch Of The Week!!! It can be feast or famine. As of late last night, I had no idea who was going to be singled out, but then the network news presented me with two possible contenders. I will mention both, then designate a winner!!!!!!

Too bad Samuel Friedlander is not alive!!!! Not that he deserves to live, but, had he lived, he would have won hands down!!!! Mr. Friedlander, girls, is the scumbag, psychopathic Westchester lawyer (are there any other kind??? Lawyers, I mean; not Wescheser-ians!!!!!) who murdered his wife, Amy, and children, Molly and Gregory, 10 and 8, respectively, before going to the basement and shooting himself with an .870 gauge!!!! I cannot tell you how disgusted I am over this, as it speaks of so much EGO!!!! Mr. Corporation Attorney was facing his marriage going down the tubes, possible financial ruin, and losing custody of the kids!!!! OK, it is enough to depress one, it is enough to drive one to suicidal thoughts. But, Sammy, keep them to yourself!!!! You hate your wife??? Fine!!!! But don't take it out on her, via murder!!!! And, worse, not your children, who are COMPLETELY devoid of guilt from the debacle which may have been your marriage.

Rumors flourish that wife Amy, 46, a business woman herself, was trying to turn the kids against him, and that she and--maybe--the kids were belittling him. This may be false, this may be true, but what I want to know is, if things were so acrimonious at home, why didn;t one of these financially able adults just up and leave the premises????? Then this tragedy might have been averted!!!!! Were BOTH just too selfish over their property???? You have to wonder!!!!!!!

But I don't wish to demonize Amy Friedlander, about whom little is known. Had hubby lived, he would not only have lived to see himself named Bitch Of The Week, but also land a criminal conviction, which would have netted him Death or Life!!!!!!!

Too bad, Sam, you cowardly scum!!!! As my girls know, from my Tyler Clementi postings on here, I am not one to make light of suicide!!!!! But this one was motivated by nothing more than the killer's arrogance and hubris!!!!!! Hope you like the feel of pitchforks searing into your skin, Sam!!!!! Because that is what you are facing right now!!!!!!!

What is it with parents these days, loves???? Because both subjects of this posting are singularly bad parents. Our other contender, living, is Juliette Dunn of Danbury, Connecticut, who, back in June, was accused of feeding her two kids, ages four and ten months, respectively, beer and cocaine!!!! To think she hails from Danbury, Connecticut!!!!! Can you believe such lowlife exists in the state known for Yale, Miss Porter's, and Darien????? Even better, her lesbian companion, Lisa Jefferson, is being convicted along with her!!!! As last night's 'Criminal Intent', with that sick Saphic Nicole Wallace trying to storm academia, minus credentials, proves, there is nothing more scary than a Murderous Lesbian!!!!! They are scary enough when not such, but when they they are, the Mercury just soars through the barometer!!!!!

Lambs, Miss Juliette Dunn is the Bitch Of The Week!!!! Her children may still be alive, but if remaining with her, they won't be for long!!!!! Not only she, but Mr. Friedlander, speak vociferously against the Tea Party's anti-birth control and Pro Life stance!!!!!! Some people are better off not having children!!!!!!

Darlings, a big hand for Juliette Dunn--a true Mother From Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You will be there soon, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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