Monday, October 31, 2011

Girls, It Just Isn't The Same Without Mother Oats!!!!!!!!

When I was growing up, darlings, excitement meant a stormy winter night, while curling up in front of the TV at 5:30 weeknights, when the Channel 9 Movie Of The Week would broadcast--each night--"The Bride Of Frankenstein." My parents thought I was watching schlock, but, as time proved, I was viewing art of the highest grade, as demonstrated by the work of a directorial master, none other than the brilliant James Whale!!!! Which proves my sophisticated tastes were not only developed at any early age, I had an innate instinct for them!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honey, it just seems there were more choices, back then. Drake's Ring Dings were larger, by the way. But take cereals. In the winter, I loved hot cereal, and while you better believe I LOVED my Cream Of Wheat, with Chef Eustis on the front, I was also a devotee of oatmeal. And on the market were Quaker Oats, which we still have today, and something the same outfit also put out called "Mother's Oats," which I preferred. I loved the warm, inviting picture of the mother and son on the cylindrical cover; I used to tell myself that was my mother and I. And each morning, when she would give me a bowl, I felt as warm and loved as the boy on the cover. My mother was an R.N., darlings (Registered Nurse, not recurring neurotic!!!!) and you better believe she knew her oats!!!!!!!!!!

What ever happened to Mother's Oats, and why???? All of a sudden, the warmth was gone. I still love oatmeal, but, the fun, somehow is gone out of it. That white haired guy with the red cheeks, suggestive of too much alcohol, does not do it for me, nor did Wilfred Brimley on those commercials, which told me the only thing I had to look forward to was an enlarged prostate!!!!!!!!

I am demanding the return of Mother's Oats. Generations of children are missing out on the fun and the warmth that mine had. So let us have an Oatmeal Renaissance--bring back Mother's Oats!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mama told me there'd be days like this, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Delish oatmeal sweet or savory, boiling water two tbls butter, one or two packets instant organic oatmeal, simmer then whisk two eggs. Organic oatmeal variety pack for mood choices like apple or maple.
    Add sausage or chicken for savory.


  2. Sounds interesting. Will have to give it a try!
