Saturday, October 8, 2011

Girls, Remember When There Were Miracles On Television?????

Now, darlings, I am not just talking about those periodic screenings of "The Song Of Bernadette!" I am talking about when Religion on television was FUN, and so much more comfy than going to church. Back in my day, darlings, we had things like "Sunrise Service" (not to be confused with "Sunrise Semester"!!!!!) every Sunday morning, not to mention "Davey and Goliath," and a series of moral stories called "Lighttime." I remember one episode of this last, where two girls, one named Lynn, were competing in a science contest. Lynn won, and, afterwards, her rival killed the fishes in the aquarium, because she was jealous!!!!!!!!! And she gets a moralistic lecture from the host, and had to face Lynn, which was pretty disturbing to my child psyche, though now I want to say, "Why not just send the bitch off to Juvie?????" In this age of 'SVU', honey, you know that is what would happen.

But my favorite of these programs was a show called "I Believe In Miracles!", hosted by someone you had to see to believe--Kathryn Kuhlman!!!! Before Oral Roberts. before Tammy Faye, Kuhlman was an icon,. whose performance you just had to see! First, she was a dead ringer for Nanette Fabray, whom I knew at that time from "Hollywood Squares!" In fact, the first time I saw her, it thought it was Nanette!!!!!!!! But though Kuhlman was quite a character, she was the real thing. And her voice--the high pitched way it went up AND down on the syllables--was unmistakable. If you didn't believe in miracles, you did believe that this was one character who bore watching!!!!!!!!!

I never missed her show; it was such a hoot! In fact, I am sure my parents worried I was going to turn evangelical!!!!!!!!! And this, before I was confirmed!!!!! But not to worry; it was the living, breathing theatricality of Miss Kuhlman that caught my attention, and which you know, darlings, I did my best to imitate!!!!!!! Though if I did a show today about miracles, they would be or a practical nature--like the miracle of walking into a store and finding a likable, reasonably priced, designer outfit!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know how difficult THAT is, darlings????

Alas, this era in TV history has passed. Sunday morning television just is not fun, like it used to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe I'll dress as Kathryn Kuhlman for Halloween, darlings!!!!!!

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