Monday, October 24, 2011

Girls, "Snapped!" Is So Much Fun!!!!!!!

Lambs, let me tell you, when there is no "Law and Order" on, "Snapped" does just fine!!!! And yesterday they had a marathon--one sick thing after another!!!! This is a great show to scan for potential "Bitch(es) Of The Week," and the women of this show are just SO hateful, no viewer watching could be accused of misogyny!!!! I found it interesting that "Snapped" is all about women; after all, EVERYONE snaps, but then it is on the Oxygen Channel.

Imagine if there was "Gay Snapped," but, honey, let me tell you, that might be too vicious!!!!! Nasty opera queens killing each other over who sings the best "Norma" at the MET!!!! Bitchy domestic goddess wannabes bitch slapping each other SO silly, over their faux Martha Stewart table centerpiece!!!!! Hell, how about ME, when I walked into Macy's and slapped Martha??? (her picture on a wall!!!!!) This would just be TOO MUCH, even for alternate television!!!!!

Though the "Snapped" I watched yesterday REALLY stood out. This was the tale of Larissa Schuster, whom I dub, "The White Trash Biochemist!!!!!" She looks like some dyke waitress from a North Jersey diner; like Sandy, in the original "Friday, The 13th!!!!" Only Sandy was prettier, and nicer!!!!!

The Schusters were not from Jersey, but near Fresno, California. Lisa and Tim had been married for awhile, and she was one BIG Control Queen!!!!!! She set things up herself, so that she made the bucks, while Tim was the househusband, then, for no discernible reason (like, no other man, because she is too damn ugly!!!!) she wants the norm--she wants a man SHE can depend on, instead of Tim depending on her!!! Well, honey, this is what you SAID you wanted!!!! Bitch!!!!

Poor Tim!!! The marriage crumbles, with her calling him things like "a fucking Faggot!!!!" Honey, what would you know, because no self-respecting faggot would hang out with you!!!!! You are not pretty enough to be a fag hag!!!! Like the late Margaret Whiting!!!!

So she gets this lowlife kid, Jamie Fagone, who looks like a cross between a serial killer and a "Sopranos" extra, to help kill Tim, which involved putting him in a vat, and dissolving him with acid!!!! Sick, huh???? What is even sicker is how Larissa manipulated Jamie into doing it; I hope sex was not involved, because, Jamie, let me tell you, if you had sex with Larissa, you have got some problems!!!!! Lack of taste, for starters!!!!!!!

At first, it seemed like Tim went missing. But things finally caught up with these two scumbags, and they were both arrested and imprisoned for life, without parole!!!! Take the key, and lock these scumbags up!!!!!

Save the best for last, dolls, which was when Kristen, their grown daughter, renounces her mother on the stand!!! Good for you, Kristen!!!! And Ice Queen/Blob Larissa just stares straight ahead!!!!! Honey, next to you, all your fellow inmates will look like Grace Kelly!!!!!

I guess Larissa fell for the American Dream; she wanted to be supported, instead of supporting!!! She should have taken a good look in the mirror, to see how THAT would never happen!!!!!

But for sheer nastiness, you just HAVE to love her!!!! Which is what makes "Snapped!" so fun to watch!!!!!!

Now, don't you all go losing YOUR cool, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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