Thursday, October 6, 2011

Girls, This Is What Is Truly Scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time for a visit, darlings to Chelsea Classics, tonight, hosted by Hedda Lettuce, where will be screened one of the great films of all time and, arguably, the greatest horror film of all time, Roman Polanski's "Rosemary's Baby." What is interesting is that, while humor abounds in this film, it is not particularly campy, so I don't know how it will fare with tonight's audience, but, rest assured, girls, I will tell you tomorrow!!!!!!!! Just seeing this classic on the screen is a treat.

And, after 43 years, it still remains the best thing Mia Farrow ever did!!!!!!!!!

So many people find this film scary, especially the dream sequence. However, what I find most scary is a scene before. Rosemary, following the dinner she and Guy attended at the Castevets the night before, gets a visitor next day. Her doorbell rings, she looks out her apartment peephole--and standing there is Ruth Gordon, in curlers, as Minnie Castevet!!!!!!

I am telling you, lambs, this is something to be truly frightened of!!!! And if you EVER see this outside your apartment peephole, run, or at least call 911!!!!!!!!! Ruth is great as Minnie in the film, but you do not want her barging in on you!!!!!!!!!!

And beware of drinks that may look onscreen like milkshakes, but are anything BUT!!!!!! Stick to "plain, ordinary, Lipton Tea!"

"Tannis, anyone?"

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