Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Girls, We Just Love The Old Man On Odo Island!!!!!!!!!

Let's face it, dolls, he is not much to look at, but his placement in film history is extremely important! He is, in fact the person who introduces the monster, Gojira, and confirms its identity. When fishermen and women report that they cannot catch anything off the coast of Odo Island, or that the fish they catch are dead, the old man pipes up, "It must have been...Gojira!!!!!!!"

And he goes on to explain--Gojira is a great beast who lives in the sea off the island coastline. He comes onto land to wreak vengeance upon humankind, when angered. Years before, to appease this angry God, they used to sacrifice a young girl out onto a raft, to be eaten by Gojira, so that he would not eat them!!!!!!

He then goes on to say it is time to revive the old traditions. But, honey, the fishwives of Odo Island are just too ugly for Gojira!!!!!! That is why Tokyo beckons; those B girls working the clubs there would be the perfect sacrificial candidates for Gojira, and even the old man knows that!!!!!!!!

All that remains is this beautiful, evening exorcism ceremony, with masks, costumes, drums and other instruments that would do Julie Taymor proud. Then comes the Hurricane!!!!!! BUT--it is not a Hurricane!!!!!!! For, as the Shadow of Terror falls over those asleep in their beds, as they venture out into the night, where the lightning illuminates the horror, conveyed only by their faces, it is apparent this is no mere Hurricane.......this is GOJIRA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad no one bothered to listen to the Old Man of Odo Island!!!!!! The rest of this artistic masterpiece bears him out. But, girls, I am telling you, if I ever go to Odo Island, I am going to have a talk with the Old Man and Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will report back to all my girls when I go!!!!!!!!! But I want you to stay on the mainland!!!!!!! Too many of you are sacrificial candidates!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chomp! Chomp!, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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