Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Let Me Tell You, Girls, Camille Walters Is A Hero!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, we also caught last night one of the better of the recent 'SVU' episodes, entitled, "Branded." Instead of being ripped from the headlines, this seems to have been ripped from book and film, namely "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo."

Three men are targeted by an attacker. Two of them, Bill Dixon (Michael Gladis) and Victor Ramos (Kevin Alejandro) are drugged, sodomized, and have epithets branded onto their chests. Bill's says "Ruiner," and Victor's reads "Traitor." In addition, they are sodomized, as objects are found stashed up their love passages!!!!!!!! Which these guys wouldn't know about because they are Just Too Straight! Wait!!!!!!!!

A third potential victim, Alexander Gammon (Jason Wiles) emerges, and while Elliot and Olivia block an attack on him (too bad, as shall be found out!) they also apprehend the attacker, whom everyone assumed to be male. But it is a female, a computer hacker and delivery dispatcher named Camille Walters (Bess Rouss, in an impressive performance).

Actually, all of the performances are pretty impressive. This is one of those episodes where the male characters are so hateful you actually think the actors playing them are really that way. It turns out that Camille and this trio knew each other 14 years ago at summer camp, when the three of them, at the insistence of spoiled rich boy Alexander Gammon, gang raped Camille, swearing her to secrecy, saying no one will believe "a little nobody" like her. What they don't know is that the rape results in pregnancy and produces a daughter. And this is what triggers Camille and her 'Dragon Tattoo'-like attacks.

Several weeks before, she was walking down a street, and heard the sound of laughter she somehow recognizes as the daughter she gave up for adoption. Before you know it, these sleaze bags are in court, where they try to prove Camille a liar and a slut!!!! But, from the start, Victor Ramos seems to be the only one who exhibits some kind of remorse. Playing on that, Elliot corners him, and gets Ramos to testify against his cohorts, which leads to an arrogant outburst from Gammon that will surely cook his goose, and reveal Dixon as a hypocritical liar, which will surely end his marriage!!!!!! And both here are going to do some time for perjury--not as much as they deserve, but at least they are being hauled off to jail!!!!!!! I hope they are castrated!!!!!!!!!!

But Gammon is in deep. Ramos reveals him to be a serial rapist, who has not only paid their silence off for years, but other women, whom he has raped, and these women now come forward, accusing Gammon. It is payback time. Camille has a tearful reunion with her daughter, and while she may have to do some time, her sentence will be light, and she can move on from here!!!!!!!!!

Honey, I wish Camille had gunned down these SOB's!!!!!!! When she says she wanted to brand "HELL" on Gammon, I wished she had!!!! She said that was where she wanted to send him to, and I agree; though, as the episode ends, it is clear that is to where he is headed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Branded" is one of the best, darlings! And Camille is a heroine to love!!!!!! Anyone tries to rape me, darlings, they will get kicked, scratched, clawed, or bitten!!!!! That is right, girls, use your teeth!!!!!!!! If the SOB thinks he wants to commit rape, at the very least, let him get a tetanus shot!!!!!!!!!

You just gotta LOVE Camille, darlings!!!!!!!! She is too much!!!!!!!!!

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