Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Another Special Birthday Wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet another, girls; I said this was Musical Theater Week, didn't I???

Today is the 41st birthday of the Divine Martha Plimpton, current star of
"Raising Hope," who has elevated being White Trash to an art form, and seeming to have the time of her life while doing it, not to mention raking in those big TV bucks, so we can only be happy for Martha!!!!!!!!!

Never forget,darlings, her proud lineage--the Carradine line, her father being Keith. And the daughter of a Musical Theater Legend, Shelley Plimpton, who will always be remembered as "the girl who sang 'Frank Mills' in 'Hair'". Maybe I should sing the song in honor of Martha, though I am sure she has heard it enough, and can do a reasonable rendition thereof!!!!!

So, Happy Birthday To The Fabulous, Martha Plimpton!!!!!

As we used to say in the Sixties, "Keep on truckin'!!"

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