Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Darlings, 5:30 A.M. Is No Time For Opera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sure those creatures known as Vicious Opera Queens will take me to task on this, but it is true. When the alarm goes off at five thirty, my eyes are just beginning to open, sort of like the reverse of Dracula, who, at the same time, is making his way back to the tomb!!!!!!! I want to be lulled out of sleep with gentle, dulcet tones, not loud Wagnerian-like ones, which I heard this morning. This is why I have the Classical Music station on in the wee hours; I may not know all the pieces and movements, but the sounds are lovely, and prepare me for the oncoming day.

Granted, I might allow the "Bell Song" from "Lakme," which all you girls may recognize as the recent theme of the British Airways television commercial, but there IS a lulling gentleness to that!!!!!!!!!

Honey, gone are the days when I could bounce out of bed to show tunes, or to Grace Slick singing "Volunteers" at Woodstock, which I awoke my neighborhood with, once, back in my teens. I am sure if anyone resides still on North 9th Avenue from that time, they would still talk of this, as my window faced there.

So, remember broadcasters, we need QUIET when we awaken, not stentorian screeching that some queens call opera, but I sometimes call sound for sound's sake!!!!!!!!!!

Julie Andrews, yes!!!!!!!! NOT Renata Tebaldi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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