Saturday, November 12, 2011

Girls, I Am Sorry I Could Not Be There Yesterday!!!!

Ah, loves, the carefree Sixties!!!!!!!!! When people had social awareness, and cared about social injustice!!!!!!! The days of marching with peace and freedom with Joan (Baez), culminating in song at the Washington Monument, while Martin Luther King delivered his famous "I Have A Dream" speech.

That pre-Woodstock era, before the post disenchantment sunk in!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, those years, so to speak, are back.

I must be the only one I know who has not been down to Occupy Wall Street, even though I am highly supportive of it and what it stands for!!!!!! A beacon of hope in this blighted age, and the hope is that it will make a difference!!!!!!!!!

Well, yesterday, you can imagine how excited I was when I heard that, finally, as I expected she would at some point, Joan Baez was going to make an appearance there, singing in support of the movement!!!!!! My social conscious just WANTED to be there, lambs, but my physical constitution was not sure it could stand it. I mean, I have not had my flu shot yet, and it is getting colder. I have to wrap a scarf around my throat, because, with the holidays coming, I have to preserve my BARBRA-insured voice and protect my larynx!!!!! How I would have loved to do a round of "Portland Town" or "Geordie" with Joan!!!!!! Two Sixties innocents coming together once again in socio-philosophical solidarity!!!!!!!!!

That.s right, doll!!!!!!! Two Sixties innocents!!!!!!!!!! You damn well better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was certainly with Joan in spirit, as I am with all the Occupy Wall Streeters. And I promise to make a visit, once I receive my flu shot!!!!!!!!!!!!

Power To The People, Darlings! Down with the Capulets!!!!!!! Down with the Montagues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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