Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Girls, It Just Goes To Show; Even If Changing A Tire, Your Hair Has GOT To Be Perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, last night marked the triumphant return of those girls all MY girls want to be--Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles, or Angie Harmon, with the hair that just won't quit, and Sasha, with the hair and wardrobe to match.

Last night's episode was exciting, what with them trying to bring down a Ghetto gangster kingpin named Little T, via a witness named Dante, who is mysteriously killed. The perp turns out to be a real bitch--this on-the-make attorney, who is actually an underling for Little T, and does his bidding, not so much because she believes in him, as she believes in upping her record of never losing a case, so she can soon make ADA. Well, it all comes crashing down on her, thanks to Maura's prowess with a tire.

The tire changing sequence was VERY important, girls!!!!!!!!! It showed how you CAN maintain your wardrobe and hair while performing back breaking labor. And that to succeed in the world of glamour, you had BETTER!!!!!!! What leads Jane and Maura to the perp turns out to be a nail mark on a set of tire tracks.

Let me tell you, lambs, even before she was caught, that Attorney/Aspiring ADA was one firecracker!!!!!!!!!! A real hot tamale, who thought she was the greatest thing to graduate from community college law school. I have seen better legal degrees from a comic book correspondence course!!!!!!!! What this sly piece of baggage does is tell Dante the officer watching him is dirty, lures him outside to the park, and shoots him!!!!!! Nice!!!!!!!! I hope he called her a bitch, before he died!!!!!!! And now the gals in prison will give her a hard time; they will probably cut off all her hair, till she is as bald as a bowling ball, which is the least she deserves!!!!!!!!

Then, there was Lorraine Bracco, as Mama Angela!!!!!!! I LOVE that is she is still working for Mr. Stanley in the precinct coffee shop. BUT to have the hots for right winger Bill O'Reilly????? With his so-called nice, Irish eyes???? Maybe Angela is developing cataracts; Jane should take her and have her checked. Even if he were not right wing, O'Reilly, who played a more benign version of himself on the episode, could never be construed as being HOT!!!!!!!! Girls, I am telling the show's writers right now--Angela can do much better than THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it was so good to have the Girls back, after such a long absence. You can bet I checked myself extra carefully this morning, before leaving for work!!!!!!!

And I know all MY girls did, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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