Thursday, November 10, 2011

Girls, Things Are Getting Pretty Desperate On 'SVU'

Darlings, after last night's episode, entitled "Russian Brides," I am convinced we are getting to the barrel's bottom for this show. The same old crap about Brighton Beach, the Russian Mafia, women conning men, and all that!!!! How many times is this plot thread going to be dredged up??? Give me a nice serial killer any day!!!!!

The show was not without its bright spots. It began promisingly, in a brilliantly lit and staged sequence, with thugs in a car tailing some hooker down the street. We get to the boardwalk I know so well, where she is grabbed, screaming, and we know what she is in for!!!! Only these guys really cut her up!!!!! Not since the days of Jack The Ripper have I seen such mutilation, so I was hoping for a better story than the one actually told!!!!!

Not since the Jennifer Love Hewitt episode, when Olivia tells the rapist, "Now, you're MY bitch!!!!" has she been given as good a line. While pursuing that despicable Lena (whose crying for sympathy act about her daughter turns out to be a ruse, she takes off after her, shouting, "I want this bitch-hog NOW!!!!"

Bitch-hog???? Honey, I had to clean my ears to make sure I heard that one!!!! Where did the writers come up with that????? I never heard such a term in my life; and you know I have heard it all, darlings!!!!!! Another big moment for Olivia; one of the highlights of an otherwise vapid show.

This Lena works for this Mafia guy, who is her ex!!!!! They run a website scam where they con gullible older men!!!!! First of all, if the guy is dumb enough to think he can land something like Lena...well...there's no fool, like an old fool!!!! And then this show gets REALLY desperate when, to entrap her, they send Captain Cragen (Dan Florekk) as an undercover decoy!!!!!

You can tell even Alex Cabot (Stephanie March) is stunned by this decision!!!! And how come only one scene for Stephanie???? And not even a close-up shot, to show that hair!!!! I have some bones to pick with the producers!!!!!! I also just loved the way the precinct guys razzed Cragen about his "date." I mean, poor Dan Florekk, who plays Cragen!!!! He is great in the role, has been for years, but he always looks sad in the opening credits, because he knows, no matter what, that he is NOT the cute one!!!! But they HAVE to use him, because she goes after "older men" so who else is available??????

It was both fascinating and scary to watch. Kind of like the rabbit on the Trix commercials. You wanted Cragen to "score", but you sure as hell did not want to SEE it!!!!! At least they gunned down that Mafia guy, and caught that nasty piece, Lena. Oh, and as part of the scheme, when the men are entrapped, when they have given her money, she conveniently "disappears," and an innocent prostitute gets murdered!!!!!

Things better improve this season, or this could be the last!!!! I do not want to see another Russian mob story again!!!!! And Dan Florekk is a fine actor; he may be hung like a horse, for all we know, but no romance for Cragen, please!!!!!!

Why don't they start giving love scenes to Danny Pino???? Now, he is cute!!!!!

Kiss kiss, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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