Sunday, November 6, 2011

This Is A REALLY Scary Thing, Darlings!!!!!!!

You know me, girls!!!!!!!!!! Even while on vacation, you cannot keep me out of a bookstore!!!!! And Vero Beach, Florida is no exception!!! In fact, I can say, with complete honesty that the Vero Beach Book Center is pretty close to some of Manhattan's best remaining independents.

Now, this is nothing against the store, but while I was going to the New Fiction Section, something caught my eye on one of the Featured Tables. It was a children's book, entitled "The Snow Angel!" The title was lovely, and so was the illustration on the cover, but what caught my eye, and destroyed the book for me henceforth, was the identity of the author!!!!!

Glenn Beck!!!!!!!! Yes, darlings, THAT Glenn Beck!!!!! The Right Wing Nut!!!!
Not that he is the only one out there, but his is one tea party that should be curtailed.

Glenn Beck writing children's books!!!!!! The NERVE!!!!!!!!!! How DARE he????????

Because you know, honey, that any children's book he writes (so far, it is this one, and another, back in 2009, called "The Christmas Sweater Book") is going to have an AGENDA!!!!!!!!! And you know it will be HIS agenda!!!!!!!!

This is a scary idea--propagandizing children at an early age!!!!! Didn't this guy ever hear of Freedom Of Choice?????? Well, I guess he has heard of it; excuse me, it is just he does not ADVOCATE it!!!!!!!

And what kind of parent would buy such a book for their kid???? I would buy my child a volume of Nietzsche, or, at least, "Valley Of The Dolls" by Jacqueline Susann, before I would have them exposed to this trash!!!!!!!!

It seems like every other celebrity out there, from Julie Andrews, to Madonna, to Angelina Jolie, is making forays into children's literature!!!! I don't intend to read Beck's, but, who knows, I might, at some point, read Madonna's, but I can bet you that, for all the promiscuity and such her public image seems to espouse, it will not be found in her children's book. Some people know when to cool it with their agendas!!!!! Glenn Beck does not!!!! Which is what makes him dangerous!!!!!!

Next, he and his ilk will be doping the water supply!!!!! However, he probably is not smart enough to, so he starts small..with children's books promoting rightist indoctrination!!!!!!!

Glenn, may the ghost of Louisa May Alcott appear to you at night, scissors in hand, and snip your balls!!!!! Which would reduce some of your hypocrisy!!!!!!!

I know none of my girls would purchase such junk!!!! But if you should happen to know such philosophically misguided individuals who would, try and steer them from this, at least!!!!!!! Reading for children should be FUN, not politically driven!!!!

I mean, who could forget the Reverend Jesse Jackson reading "Green Eggs And Ham", years ago on "Saturday Night Live"???? No agenda at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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