Saturday, December 31, 2011

All Right, Girls, Here We Go...Bitch Of The Year!!!!"

Even though 2011 turned out to be the 40th anniversary of the List murders in Westfield, New Jersey--certainly, a Macabre Milestone-- once July rolled around, I knew who this year's winner would be, from the get-go!!!!

July 11 of this year was the day/evening, little Leiby Kletzky, of Brooklyn disappeared!!! What searchers did not know, was that he was within their grasp, being held prisoner, and, later killed and dismembered (with some remains being found in the perp's refrigerator, and others in a garbage bin in Sunset Park!!!!) by neighborhood slow wit, Levi Aron!!! I said it then, and I say it now---

There is no question that Levi Aron is the Winner of the Raving Queen's Bitch Of The Year Award!!!!!!!

The incident has already been immortalized, dramatically speaking, in the 'SVU' episode, "Lost Traveller," the best one this current season!!!!! Which gives you an idea how high on the area's radar this story was, this year, and still is.

Levi Aron will be going to trial. He may even plead an insanity defense. But so far, nothing has conclusively proven what his motive was. Though there are sexual connotations, Aron's interest in Leiby did not appear to be sexual. Is it "pure evil," like John List???? Not really, because there was no clever planning and calculation here; the whole incident seemed to play out as "paint-by-numbers-crime", with Aron making things up, as he went along!!!!!!

Which speaks about how impenetrable his mind is. Now, that is really scary!!!!! Aron may be slow witted, but he is dumb like a fox!!!!! At one point, he reveled in his new found fame. He might be thrilled to find out he was named Bitch Of The Year!!!!!!

Well, girls, I will be thrilled when this piece of filth is locked up permanently, and the key tossed away!!!!!!!

Congratulations, Levi!!!! Your little escapade guaranteed this will be the last distinction you ever receive!!!!!


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