Saturday, December 31, 2011

And So We Bid Farewell To 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, I know, like Janet Leigh in "Psycho," that we have already arrived at the end of 2011 is enough to make one scream!!!!!!!

Like the ghosts at the end of "Follies," it seems like everything at this point collides together!!!! "Spider-Man,TurnOffTheDark,"MerylSteep,TylerClementi,theClementiFanily,LeibyKletzky,LeviAron,JohnList,HighlandPark,New Orleans,NotToMentionAFullYearWith Monsieur,TittiesAndTheater--it all just blends together into a mix that seems whirled, till what comes out are all the Memories of 2011!!!!!

When I wrote this same post a year ago, I wished for Hope, which was abundantly granted. My wish for all of us NOW is Gratitude--that we can be thankful for what we have done, how far we've come and that 2012 will be something to be grateful for!!!!!!

In the meantime, I am grateful to all the events and memories which shaped this blog this year, and of course, to all my Girls/Readers/Followers for your comments and support. May we all continue!!!!

When next you hear from me, loves, this will all be History!!! And a new one will be beginning !!!! So stay safe and healthy tonight, and remain so, for the next 365 days!!!!!

See you all, dolls, at the same time and place!!!!!!

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