Saturday, December 3, 2011

Darlings, What Are They Doing, Over At The Strand?????

Girls, I am telling you, lately you have to sort of feel sorry for the Strand Bookstore. This literary bastion of New York City has been having a rough time of it, ever since the New York Press, in its still remembered issue of April 30, 2008, did a much talked about piece on the Strand, centering on how badly the place was run, how horribly its workers were treated, and citing the administrative incompetency of the now owner, Nancy Bass Wyden, the daughter of former owner Fred Bass, whose own father started the store, back in 1927. Honey, I was not even born yet!!!!!!!! That is right; you better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!

And in my interactions within the literary world, I have heard for myself some stories about Nancy. But let me say, despite this last paragraph, I have no particular ax to grind with her, having never worked for the Stand, nor having met Nancy under and circumstances, even as a customer. Nevertheless, taking into account what I am about to report, and combine this with the New York Press piece, something is decidedly "up" at the Strand.

Every couple of Wednesdays, Monsieur and I have had a long standing tradition. His therapist's office happens to be located near the Strand, so on these evenings, we meet in front there. Being so close, there is absolutely NO WAY I am going to leave, without going inside, which results in me hardly ever coming out empty handed!!!!!!!! And after this we dine at the Good Stuff Diner, which still serves great meals, despite the loss of Everyone's Favorite Friendly Waiter, Valentine (who allowed some of us to feel his muscles!!!!!).

In July of 2010, I had a negative experience at the Strand, and reported it here. It had to do with not being accorded the treatment, like the Royalty I am, darlings, especially when it comes to bookstores, which I am known for frequenting, and where, at other such places, they practically roll out the red carpet for me!!!!!! I was there that summer evening to purchase something--I cannot recall now what--and met with such discourtesy and surliness from the checkout staff I was fit to be tied, darlings!!!!!! This is no way to talk to the Raving Queen!!!!!!! Then, to make matters worse, on the way out the door, and having just purchased something at the Strand, thereby contributing to the well being of the Stand as a business, I was given the third degree by the security guard at the door, who had all the social aplomb of an SS officer!!!!!!!!! Who did these people think they were? I wondered, and then recounted.

Apparently, my ramblings had some impact, for, when we returned to the Strand several weeks later, I was greeted personally, treated with courtesy and respect, and the security guard wished me a good evening as I whisked out the door--having made another purchase, of course!!!!!!!!!! Someone had gotten my message, and was heeding it!!!!!!!!! Fine. And that was the end of my trouble with the Strand--until now!!!!!!

This past Wednesday, which was November 30, Monsieur and I met. We went inside, for I was on a mission. I had decided to scope out a paperback copy of Julia Glass' recent book, "The Widower's Tale," and there were some things I wanted to check up on in the Children's Book Department.

I started with the adult fiction, where I looked on every shelf (not the hardbacks, as I did not want one for this!!!), not seeing the Glass book anywhere. Thinking it was hidden away someplace, I went to the Information Desk in the back, where I got good service, and was certainly treated well--no argument there!!!--but when he said they did not have any copies of Glass' book, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I go to the Strand WANTING something, and they DO NOT have it????????? This never happens to ME, nor should it EVER!!!!!!!!! Not only that, but such a RECENT popular book and author. If I were looking for a first edition of Proust or Anthony Powell, OK, but THIS?????? I was virtually speechless!!!!!!! Almost a psychotic break, darlings!!!!!!!!

So, I thought, maybe I would have better luck in the Children's Department upstairs. Some time last year, when I read A.S. Byatt's "The Children's Book" (which you simply HAVE GOT to read, darlings!!) it instilled in me a desire to read Andrew Lang's "Fairy" books. You know--"The Red Fairy Book," "The Blue Fairy Book", etc. I was also on the lookout, and have been for a long time for three specific hardback editions of "Treasure Island," "Kidnapped" and "The Yearling," whose dust jackets and illustrations were done by the artist N.C. Wyeth. I had my agenda, sweeties, and I stormed upstairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to the section where I thought the Lang books would be. I found nary a one!!!!!! Seeking help, I went to the Children's Information Desk, where a very nice sales clerk not only tried to help me find the book ( she was sure there was a copy of "The Green Fairy Book"), but she actually knew what I was talking about!!!!!! Hats off to her!!!!!!!!!! Looking in a space I would never have dreamed of looking, she reluctantly told me they did not have it. I thanked her, and moved on, but I was furious!!!!!!! Not at her, but with the Store!!!!!!!!!!!

What kind of reputable Children's Department does NOT stock the Andrew Lang Fairy books????? They are read by those who appreciate classics of that literature of the period, and by serious literary scholars!!!!!!!!!! How can they NOT have copies of such on hand???? I do not blame the sales clerk for this; this speaks of whomever is doing the ordering and buying for this department. If I knew who they were RIGHT NOW, I would get on their case. As I said, in my post last year, maybe there ARE times when Nancy NEEDS to be the bitch she is described as being; in which case, I say this would be one of those times, not to mention which, if you want to see a REAL bitch, just let me come in there a SECOND time, and fail to find what I am looking for!!!!!!!!

Now, it was time for me to try and find the Wyeth books. Hope soared, when I found a "Treasure Island" in the Children's Classics section. I had picked it up, and was just about to buy it, WHEN, I spotted, on the spine of the book, a tear--a small one, but a tear, darlings!!!!!!!--in the upper part of the dust jacket!!!!!!! Which meant I would not be buying THAT book, honey; not under any circumstances!!!!!!!!!!! Indeed, I thought the Strand had some nerve trying to pass off a defective copy to a prospective customer. Book collectors are fanatics, darlings, and are not likely to be fooled.

Things went from bad to worse. In the same section, I found the edition of "The Yearling" I was looking for. However, there was a BIG tear on the lower front of the dust jacket--as if someone had just maliciously ripped it across!!!!!!! Screw that!, I thought. Then I lost it--how dare the Strand sell defective literature?????? What have they come to?????? Again, Nancy may not be the one to blame; I think it would be the Head and the Buyer in the Children's Department, but perhaps Nancy should know about this, so, Nance, this one is for you!!!!!!!!!! If I walk into the Children's Department again, and find this shoddiness, it will go beyond my posting it on this blog!!!!!!!!!!!

What is going on at the Stand, darlings????? To quote the lyric from "1776," "Is anybody there?/Does anybody care?/Does anybody see what I see?" This past Wednesday, I walked out of there empty handed, which I don't think I ever have, before!!!!! Or it was so long ago, I cannot even remember.

Get your act together, Strand!!!!!!!! You've been roasted by the New York Press, the Raving Queen (twice, NOW!!!!!) and now "The New Yorker." Have you seen the cover of the current issue, girls??????? It is definitely a smack in the face to the Strand!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which they deserve!!!!!!! Bitch slap them silly!!!!!!!!!

Hey, Strand, get back to being what made you what you were, rather than trying to be something you are NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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