Saturday, December 31, 2011

Girls, Here Is THE Author Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, lamb chops, I know I said, and stand by, the observation that "The Marriage Plot," by Jeffrey Eugenides, was the Book Of The Year. So, why am I not naming him as Author Of The Year??? Because he has gotten enough gloss this year; my selection does not get nearly the star treatment she ought to get; she may be blonde, like J.K. Rowling, but she does not have Rowling's checkbook, and, the fact is, with her talent, she SHOULD!!!!!!

The winner of the Raving Queen's Author Of The Year Award is Jennifer L. Holm!!!

Who just HAPPENS to be my niece, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And proves talent runs in our family. For, while I am scribing online, making my own forays into Internet Bitchery, Jenni has steered herself headway into the even more navigationally difficult realm of Children's Literature!!!!!!

Since she stunned the world--and US--by winning the Newberry Honor Award first time out, for "Our Only May Amelia," she has not quit!!!! In fact, she has gone on to win TWO MORE Newberry Honors, for my personal favorite, "Penny From Heaven," and her more recent work, "Turtle In Paradise." I also love her "Middle School Is Worse Than Meat Loaf," which gets those years right, without being nasty!!!! Leave THAT to me, darlings!!!!!!

Jenni is the reason Monsieur and I traveled this year, to one of my favorite places, New Orleans, where you better believe this Transplanted Northerner blossomed into a Southern Belle!!!! I can still recall the Awards Dinner, where, as I made my way to the bathroom, I overheard a group of librarians talking, and one them said to her group, "When is Jenni Holm going to win the fucking Newberry?" I know, darlings--gasp!!!--a librarian said the "F" word. Get over that Donna Reed crap, loves! But she had a point, because, while the Newberry Honor is prestigious, it is a runner-up to the Newberry!!!!

Well, I am proud of Jenni, no matter what, but when I overheard that remark, not only did I agree with it, I said to myself, "It's simply a matter of Time!" Which it is, girls!!!!!!

So, here is to this year's Author Of The Year, my niece, Jennifer Holm, whose capacity for invention is unlimited!!!!!!!

And she still manages to look FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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