Thursday, December 8, 2011

Girls, This Baby Is Not This Week's Bitch; His Father Is!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, after yesterday's massive missive on John List, you would have thought I was writing my column today yesterday. While technically, List would be eligible (being dead does not rule out being named BOTW, darlings!!) the precedent of evil he set is too ghastly for him to be given this distinction. He belongs in a separate class by himself, a leading exponent of all that is TRULY evil.

Before getting to this week's winner, let me say a few things I neglected to, regarding List.

It is a good thing he was caught. Because, at the time he was, the job and money problems that had been seen in Westfield, were beginning to surface again in Virginia, for the pseudonymous Robert Clark. Which suggests, given his mental state, that wife Delores was in potential danger; he might have just reached an intolerable point, offed her, and then gone on to be someone else. If uncaptured, he very probably would have cut a swathe across the country.

He is not insane. His intelligence and calculation omits that. I don't know what clinical term today would apply to List--sociopath at the very least--but he is simply a Leading Exponent of Evil.

Now, this week's winner is not a precedent setter, but his deed was so chilling in its stupidity, and evil in its cruelty that he deserves to be singled out.

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, whom I should have named last week, but failed to, is.......Christoph Champenois of Meaux, France!!!!!!!!!

We are not talking Louis Jourdan in "Gigi" here, darlings!!!!!!! We are talking about a 33 year old adult man, who decides to discipline his toddler son Bastien (pictured--isn't he cute???) for simply acting up in nursery school, by placing him in the family washer, and turning it on!!!! Guess what, girls????????
The kid died!!!!!!!!!!!!

Added to which the guy has the nerve to admit Bastien was an unwanted child; that when he was born, he (Christoph) was in a bar, drinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, Christoph, you like your liquor???? I say dump him in a wine barrel and let him choke, like the Duke of Clarence in Shakespeare's "Richard III."
Champenois is not only evil, he is stupid!!!! Did he think he would get away with this????????? I understand the wife has been arrested to for negligence or not protecting a child enough. I say take the key and lock them both up!!!!!!!!!!!!

The minute I saw this story I knew I had found a Bitch Of The Week. Here is hoping Champenois gets what is coming to him, and if he goes to prison, he will. Inmates do not like child killers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, girls, we have our bitch, Christoph Champenois. Certainly not Bitch Of The Year (that will be coming up in a few weeks) but good enough I think to make the Top Ten!!!!!!!!!!

A list I know none of MY girls would ever be on, or want to!!!!!!!!!

Bitch, bitch, bitch, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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