Monday, January 23, 2012

Darlings, It's Daisy, Not Maisie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Long before my time, girls (that's right, you bitches!!!!!!!) Henry James wrote a short--which is saying a lot for Henry--novel called "What Maisie Knew." Of course, I have read it, lambs! It is all about a perceptive and sensitive little girl, who witnesses the debacle of her family's dysfunction, culminating, inevitably, in their divorce.

Just look at this painting, girls, particularly the little girl pictured therein. Doesn't she suggest Maisie, from James' novel?????? Well, the truth could hardly be any different, for there is no family dysfunction in this young lady's life. For the young lady in question grew up to be the subject of this blog's first Celebrity Profile. I figured it was about time for some sort of expansion, loves, and, while celebrities such as Meryl, Blythe and others, have gotten enough of their share of printed attention, including from yours truly, I thought it time to acknowledge those deserving, but who do not often get, the attention they warrant.

So, I am delighted to report that the Raving Queen's first celebrity profile will be the radiantly lovely, socially gracious, and loved by all, arts raconteur, Daisy Pommer!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me tell you, darlings, not since Amy Adams, has so much been done for red hair and radiance as Daisy!!!!!!! She is an inspiration to all of us. And, along with everything else, she just happens to be intellectually brilliant!!!!!!! Believe me, I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many of us aspired to be Figures Of New York, while growing up??????
But Daisy, is, herself, a true Child Of New York!!!!!!!!! And the most captivating one, since Kay Thompson first created Eloise!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was born, some 28 years before, to Richard Pommer, the late, distinguished, architectural historian, and Linda Nochlin, the brilliant art historian!!!!! With such a pedigree, how could Daisy be anything less than fabulous?????? Kind of like Elizabeth Taylor!!!!!!!!!

Daisy has had quite a history, let me tell you. While her parents taught at Vassar, she was, so legend has it, conceived during a monsoon on a romantic trip to Rangoon, while Buffy Sainte- Marie was playing on the stereo. Her mother, girls, hardly had time to register being pregnant, when Daisy sprung into the world full force at, of all place, the Palm Court of the Plaza Hotel. While Mrs. Pommer was being served tea and such by my favorite erstwhile waiter, there, Boris, (I wonder what ever happened to him?) her water broke, she gracefully slid under the table, and, before taking her next breath, Daisy had emerged with such grace and expediency that she landed en pointe, executing a perfect fourth arm position. Her path in the dance world was instantly mapped out for her.

Daisy began to dance while most of us were still being potty trained. It was said Jacques D'Amboise was so awed by her, he gave her private lessons for free. Daisy was not one, however, to rest on these laurels; being too high powered and brilliant, not to mention socially endowed, she was not content to become a proverbial "bunhead," but set her sights high, following in her parents' distinguished academic footsteps.

Did you know, girls, that Daisy attended Brearley????? Yes, darlings!!!!!
I cannot tell you how charmed they were by her there, and she of them. And this is coming from yours truly, loves, who graduated from Miss Porter's!!!!!!! So, you damn well better believe both Daisy and I know what to do with our pinkies, when it comes to tea!!!!!!

This was no Henry James Maisie, sweeties. This was a force of brilliance, unleashed upon a world desperately needing her guidance and inspiration. Daisy was next seen on the campus of Northwestern University, where she, of course, studied Dance--her pirouettes became the stuff of legend--and history!!!!!! I told you she was brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!

But New York was in Daisy's blood, and when school wrapped up, she came back to the town she loved, and conquered it singlehandedly. She did a stint at Channel Thirteen, where she was adored by one and all. I am telling you, darlings, I have seen ex-coworkers come in and bestow Christmas gifts before her!!!! Just like the Magi, with the Infant Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Channel Thirteen, Daisy jumped up the career ladder, where she now holds court at a large cultural emporium in the city. And where she is the most notable person on the dance scene in her division. I have it from good authority that when dance companies know Daisy is going to be in the house, members tremble, for, with her extensive training, came an ineluctably high set of standards, which she brings to every performance she observes. It is said that the sphincters of master choreographers in the city inwardly clamp up at the mention of Daisy being in the house. And this is saying a lot for choreographers' sphincters, most of which are so pliable you could drive a jackhammer in there!!!!!! But that is for another discussion, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daisy was featured in the book, "Redheads," by Joel Meyerowitz, in a stunning bathing beauty shot, (which belies her intellectual brilliance) the like of which has not been seen, since the iconic photo of Elizabeth Taylor in the white bathing suit from "Suddenly, Last Summer." Daisy's photo, has, indeed, been compared to that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, darlings, I am telling you, there is no one to compare with Daisy!!!!!!!!!! Whether she is critiquing dance, reading any of the several volumes of Edward Gibbons' "The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire," or William L. Shirer's "The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich," or watching a Leni Riefenstahl DVD while executing a perfect move on the dance barre, (and Daisy is equally adept at the social scene in New York's better bars, loves!!!!!!!) she brings with her an inspiration and joie de vivre that is infectious to whomever is fortunate enough to come into contact with her.

So, here is our first Celebrity Profile, Miss Daisy Pommer, one of the unsung social treasures of New York. The Raving Queen and His Court are unanimous in their verdict---

We simply ADORE you, Daisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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