Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Darlings, Where Was Bryce Dallas Howard??????

Girls, I bet this morning Miss Howard is royally pissed!!!!!!!! And I do not blame her one bit. The point-counterpoint between she and Octavia Spencer is what truly makes "The Help" sizzle, not just in the famous "pie scene," but anytime either of these actresses is on the screen. Bryce perfectly nails racist Queen Bee Hilly Hollbrook; with that faux Jackie Kennedy look, you know we all want to look like her, darlings, and that house--oh, I am telling you, that house!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, then, listen to what comes out of her mouth!!!!!!!!

And thank God that Leo was not nominated, or that abysmal film, "J.Edgar." And that includes the overrated Judi Dench, who, while having been brilliant in other films, is less animated here than the decayed corpse of Mrs. Bates in Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho." Maybe now Leo will crawl back to his hangout spot at Bungalow 8, where he belongs!!!!!!!!!

What about those two Michaels-- Shannon and Fassbender-- for their standout turns in "Take Shelter" and "Shame?"

And how about Albert Brooks as the villain in "Drive"? The word on the street was he was going to practically walk up and tuck away that Best Supporting Actor Oscar!!!!!!!

Not to mention NOTHING for "The Ides Of March," nor any of its stars, including Ryan Gosling? This has to be the most piss poor assortment of Oscar nominees assembled. Who was doing the nominating, anyway???? Republicans???????

At least Meryl was nominated. But, I am telling you, if the Oscars don't start getting with it, when it comes to genuine merit, and at least look outside the Mainstream, they are going to find themselves as extinct as the once glamorous Miss America Pageant!!!!!!!!!!!

There He (Oscar) goes, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'll tell you though, The Iron Lady was so abysmal, that to me it totally canceled out Meryl's performance. The ending was supposed to be poignant, but all I kept thinking was "Oh good it's almost over!" To me the film was as bad as J. Edgar.

  2. Then you offer me an interesting dilemma. I have heard similar comments from others. If it were not for Meryl, I would not see it, as I have no interest in Margaret Thatcher. And as bad as "J.Edgar"??? Ugh!!! But at least, I hope, there is no homophobia here.
