Monday, January 9, 2012

Girls, I Think This Should Be Meryl's Next Role!!!!!!

Now, darlings, I would never think of telling the Divine Meryl what to do!!!!!!! I am not even sure she would be interested in this, especially since it would be another biopic. But, having portrayed Karen Silkwood, Julia Child, Anna Wintour (sort of), her current role as Margaret Thatcher in "The Iron Lady," not to mention that her role in "A Cry In The Dark" had a real life component, Meryl may not be adverse to what I am about to suggest.

Which is that she should play Anita Bryant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, darlings, I am sure Meryl does not stand with Anita on spiritual or sexual matters!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, we are talking about MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what a challenge!!!!! A singing beauty queen, homophobic, right wing evangelist???????? If anyone can do it, it is Meryl!!!!!!!!

With my limited acting experience, I have always been fascinated by the idea of getting into the mindset of someone I despise. And I am not talking about serial killers; despicable as they are, I find them much too fascinating, so getting under one's skin would not be a problem for me. I am talking about if I were to portray someone along the lines of, say Bernie Medoff!!!!!!!!!

Which Meryl would have no problem doing!!!!! But personally, I would LOVE to see her play Anita Bryant!!!!!!!! For one thing, it would be great to hear her do "Paper Roses," and some of those Orange Juice commercials. For another, it would get Little Orange Bird, who worked with Anita in those ads, out of retirement, and, you can bet we all knew he was gay, girls!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone is bucking for Meryl to get the Oscar for playing Margaret Thatcher. But I am telling you, if she played Anita, she would win hands down!!!! And what a hoot of a film it would be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, Meryl, if you or your staff read this, think about replicating Anita beneath the Florida Sunshine Tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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