Saturday, January 7, 2012

Girls, Mama Meryl Must Be Wringing Her Hands!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, I am talking about the Divine One, Meryl Streep, darlings!!!!! No, she is not wringing her hands over any of her children (though we are dying to know the truth about eldest Henry--who is cute--is he, or isn't he???), because those kids are well behaved, let me tell you. And Meryl watches them fiercely, like a lioness watching her cubs!!!!!!!! No dingo is going to eat her by-by!!!!!!!!!!

It is just so sweet, and indicative of her graciousness, that Meryl is the same way with her costars. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Stanley Tucci, Amy Adams, Ann Hathaway, Emily Blunt...once having worked with Meryl, they become one of her Chicklets, and Mama Meryl fiercely protects them as well!!!! And they rally around her!!!!!!!!!!

I know you heard abut Lindsay Lohan!!!!!!! Back when filming Altman's last, "A Prairie Home Companion," both Meryl and Lily Tomlin could see the train wreck that was ahead for nevertheless talented Lindsay Lohan. Both cornered her for some Girl Talk, to set her straight. But did Miss Lindsay listen to any of them????? Oh, NO, not Miss Lindsay!!!!!!!! She knows everything!!!!!!!!! Can you believe she dared not listen to Meryl????????? As I have said, when Meryl takes the time to take you aside and tell you something, you had better listen!!!!!!!!! You know damn well I would!!!!!!!!!! Come to think of it, what has Lindsay been up to, lately???? Not much, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!! Until we hear from her at the next rehab place.

Some people have compared Lindsay to my alter-ego, Neely O'Hara from "Valley Of The Dolls!" Who, in turn, was said to be based on Judy Garland!!!!!!!! Well, let me tell you something, darlings--Neely, Judy and I may have had our ups and downs, but one thing we all had in common that Lindsay doesn't is that we were all BIG talents!!!!!!!! And I still am, girls; I am waiting on that "Funny Girl" revival, which I will let you know about, as soon as I hear!!!!!!! Lindsay had talent, but she was never gonna be a BIG talent!!!!!!!!! Now, it looks like she ain't gonna BE at all!!!!!!!!! If only, she had listened to Meryl!!!!!!!!!

Well. dolls, I am sad to see the same thing seems to be happening to Amanda Seyfried, young, talented, who impressed on "Law And Order SVU" and as Meryl's daughter, in "Mama Mia!!!!!!" I am still impressed by her rendition of "Honey, Honey!"

Amanda, decked out in dark hair color and slut makeup, is set to play the lead role in an untitled film biopic of porn icon and "Deep Throat" star, Linda Lovelace. A whole bunch of A-listers seem to be attached to this--Peter Sarsgaard as hubby Chuck Traynor (hey, with two mouths to feed, I guess he has to take just abut anything!!!!!!), Demi Moore, Adam Brody, Eric Roberts, Sharon Stone, Hank Azaria, Robert Patrick, Bobby Canavale, and Chris Noth!!!! Hey, I am surprised Sharon or Demi did not lobby for the Linda role!!!!!!!!!! Maybe they did, but were told unless they took other roles, they'd be herded to the cow pasture!!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda, what the hell are you doing??? Do you really think this is going to do anything for you???? I am sure Meryl said pretty much the same thing, when she heard Amanda had attached herself to this project!!!!!!! I can tell you--not only would Meryl have turned down the Lovelace role, she would not have gone anywhere NEAR the project, and I am willing to bet she advised Amanda not to, either!!!!!!!!!

But some of these young actresses think they are going to be hot forever, not realizing that unless you are a Genius like Meryl (which few are!!!!) you have maybe a decade at best to get it right, before heading for the stage, cable, or regional theater!!!!!!!!!!! So, while we are glad Amanda is not drugging herself to death like Miss Lindsay, we do wonder what the hell she is doing in a role that seems more tailor made for the likes, say,of Alyssa Milano??????

Or--here's a thought--how abut Amy Fisher????? Even Meryl would approve that one, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't Amanda also have a lead role in the film version of Les Miz? Maybe that will offset this Lovelace role.
