Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Girls, This Fashion Tip Is Long Overdue!!!!!!

Darlings, with the Holidays winding down, people returning to work, school or whatever is their routine, and Winter setting in for a long haul, it is time to consider the following, since this weather can take a toll on one' skin. And especially one's complexion. I cannot believe I have not instructed my girls sooner, but will remedy that forthwith!!!!

I am talking, loves, about the Jennifer Jones Beauty Regimen!!!!

Except for when she was covered in face paint in order to play Pearl Chavez in "Duel In The Sun" few Hollywood actresses had more luminous complexions than Jennifer Jones. And it was not due to the wizardry of the make-up artist or cinematographer. It was something the actress would do herself.

Boil rose petals.

Here is what you do--when those gift roses you sometimes get first lose their luster, do not toss them!!!! Instead, peel them off, toss the stems,and soak them (the petals, I mean, girls!!!) in boiling water. Then, remove each petal from the water, place them on your face and cover yourself with a towel--and voila!!!--you can feel you look as beautiful as Jennifer Jones!!!!

Honey, I have been doing this for years!!! It may not net me an Academy Award, but it has kept my own Professional Age at 24!!!!!

Not everyone can look like Jennifer Jones, but there is no reason not to look your best!!!!

So remember-NEVER discard those faded rose petals!!!!!

Darlings, you can even dye your eyes to match your gown!!!!!!!!!

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