Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday, Darlings!!!!!

Yesterday, girls, as reported on here, was Monsieur's birthday, and what a day we had!!!! And we still have one ahead of us, what with being treated to a special birthday luncheon by none other than that wild and crazy, Uncle Ernest!!!!!

But getting back to a day ago, we hit the road, wishing everyone a Happy New Year,starting out at Bed, Bath and Beyond, where we had to buy carbon monoxide detectors, as both went out in our respective apartments, at the same time!!!! Now, THAT is true love, girls!!!!!! Then, we made our way uptown to MACY's, where we had to buy suspenders for me. As age and waistlines expand, some men have to adopt a more distinguish appearance in order to have their pants held up!!! Only, don't you dare mistake me for Philip Seymour Hoffman, Titus Mooney, the Pepperidge Farm man, or Sam Breakstone, with his cottage cheese and dog!!! Remember, I am still a Disciple Of Anna, darlings!!!!!! We also bought a new land line phone for my place, because the one I had was on the fritz; the answering machine made messages incomprehensible, and the same was beginning to happen in the receiver. And this, after only one year!!!! So, this time, we bought a Panasonic, which sounds crystal clear, and even comes with TWO phones, so that, while in the living room, if the phone should ring, I can take my calls there, without a by your leave!!!!!

But, what a time we had trying to get the message onto the machine!!!! Quelle Hysterique!!!! It was my creative idea to have the message begin, with the introductory music, then Shelley Plimpton singing a line of "Frank Mills" from "HAIR." On the start of the second line, I was supposed to talk, asking to please leave a message!!!!!

Well, it was like when Vincette Minnelli did the first scene of "Meet Me In St. Louis," with Judy Garland. They had to do 25 takes!!! Judy was in hysterics!!!! Honey, we did not take nearly that many takes, but I carried on the Judy Tradition, with hysteria!!!!! Fortunately, Monsieur was as patient as Vincentte. And prettier, even if he is not a painter!!!!!

Added to which, I had made reservations for a Birthday Dinner at what Monsieur says is his favorite restaurant--Dell'Anima, not far from Monsieur, on Eighth Avenue in the West Village, right next to Lilac Chocolates!!!!! Our reservation was for five, and we were still en route, as the clock struck such!!! We got there at five fifteen, and, fortunately, our table was kept.

Darlings, the decor is jet black, so much so, it veers away from Romance and more to Goth!!! Even the staff dressed in black. We were seated at a beautiful table, near an open air kitchen, where you could sort of see the chefs plying their trade. The light spill from there gave some color to the place.

We started out with sparkling water, and I had a glass of wine, which I managed to nurse through my entire meal!!!! We were given the traditional bread and olive oil, which must have been Extra Virgin (just like ME, darlings!!!!) because Monsieur especially commented on the flavor!!!!! For our first course, Monsieur had an Endive Salad, which I might have had, being fond of endive, but this had anchovies with it, and, lambs, I do not touch that!!!! So I was content with an Arugula Salad with dressing and sliced Parmesan cheese!!!! Fabulous!!!!!! Both of us had the Tagliatelle Bolognese as the main course!!! I was surprised by the smallness of the dish, but not to worry; it was SO rich, I felt stuffed afterwards!!!! And we still had desert!!!! Monsieur had Vanilla Ice cream, With Espresso poured over (yum!) while I had the Chocolate Bread Pudding In Whiskey Sauce, With Egg-Nog Gelato!!!! Darling, it was heavenly!!!! But I am telling you, my stomach is still reeling from all that rich food, which shows as we get older we cannot eat the way we used to. I mean, last night, 'SVU' ran one of my favorite episodes, "Behave," with Jennifer Love Hewitt, and I fell asleep! I wasn't even awake to hear Olivia deliver the classic line, "Now, you're MY bitch!" Quelle domage!!!!!!!

But it was a triumphant birthday for Monsieur, who got lovely cards, a book from yours truly, dinner at his favorite restaurant (which, good as it is, I would not go out of my way for!!!), and even the Special Gift of me doing my Yvettte Vickers Playboy pose!!!!! Not for the eyes of children, OR adults, darlings!!!!!!

So, we are on our way!!!! Today, we have Uncle Ernest, tomorrow I return to work, after a two week reprieve, which should be a barrel of laughs!!!!!!!

And this is ONLY the second day! Yes, girls, the Raving Queen is back in the reins again!!!!!!!!

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