Monday, February 27, 2012

Darlings, Divinity Was Finally Served....And I Don't Mean Fudge!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meryl Streep. MERYL STREEP!!!!!!!!! MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such were the sounds heard emanating from the residence of Monsieur and moi, as La Divinity picked up her third Oscar, for "The Iron Lady."

First, darlings, when it came to fashion, MERYL was the indisputable queen of last night!!!!! But, then, when isn't she???????????

All charm and graciousness, she thanks first her tender husband. Believe me, I know from where she speaks, for it is the non-artists living with us artists (like Monsieur) who keep us artistic types in check and on track. Not that Meryl needs any help, though I am sure her hubby and kids give her plenty. But I certainly need it, and I get all that and more from Monsieur. Even if he refuses to watch "Final Destination" movies!!!!!!!!!!!

When the entire auditorium arose as one to acknowledge HER MERYLNESS, as I bowed down on my knees before the TV, it was the emotional highlight of an evening full of emotional highlights. Though I completely diss Meryl's claim "I will never be up here again!" Don't count on it, darlings!!!!!! As long as there is breath in her body, that cannot be for certain!!!!!! Just wait till she plays Violet in the film version of "August: Osage County". She will define THAT role for the ages, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

Because Meryl is an Actress For The Ages, and anyone worth their salt as an actor/actress who has followed in her wake owes her a debt of gratitude. So it was fitting that the Oscar was awarded to her last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, how about the Great White Way getting smart, and netting Meryl a TONY Award??????????????????

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