Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Darlings, Here Is A "New Age" Model For Catholics!!!!!!!!!!

After reading my post on "Crazy Catholics," Monsieur asked me what ever possessed me (no pun intended) to write it in the first place. I had to admit it was the recent discovery I made that none other than Lady Gaga had at least been a good Catholic girl, being she was a graduate of New York's Convent Of The Sacred Heart!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe we should all enroll at Sacred Heart, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is right, darlings; you better believe it!!!!! Forget Madonna; that tramp would gave been thrown out of private school!!!!!!!! With this new found knowledge, Catholics now have a role model they can truly embrace--one who will prove to be a spiritual, fashion, and glamour guide. The last being something a good many practicing Catholics need.

My sources tell me a recent broadcast she did was filmed--or at least some of it was--at her former alma mater!!!!!! One wonders what will follow. Perhaps we will go on to see on air reportage by Lady Gaga from Fatima!!!!!!!!!! Wouldn't that be exciting, loves?????

I have spoken to my Dignity chapter about trying to get her as a speaker, which would certainly create quite a turnout!!!!!!! And would turn the heads those young priests (queens, or not!!!!!) everywhere!!!!!!! The older ones, throughout the world, alas, as seems to have been proven, would still be ogling the altar boys!!!!!!!!!

Now, I never even made altar boy, darlings, but as a gay Catholic, I can tell you Lady Gaga is the new inspiration!!!!!!! Whether it is bingo, bake sale, a pancake breakfast or a spaghetti dinner, she is sure to enliven any Catholic occasion!!!!!!!! Think what she would do for Baptisms!!!!!!!

So, darlings, the next time you are nodding off over your pastor's sermon, think of Lady Gaga!!!!!!!!! It could be the dawning of the Aquairian Age for the Roman Catholic Church!!!!!!!!!

Let the sun shine in, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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