Thursday, February 23, 2012

Darlings, Two Bitches Are Certainly Better Than One!!!!!!!!!!

This column, girls, which will reach the age of 2 years around March 17, began with dual bitches--the Pappin Sisters!!!!!!! So, this week, a time honored tradition of sorts is being honored. Have you ever heard the song "Leapin' Lesbians?" Well, look out, my pets, here come the Lethal Lesbians!!!!!!!!!!

Lesbians have been getting a bum rap, ever since Lillian Hellman wrote "The Children's Hour," and probably even before that. I am sure many out there know that famous lesbian joke--
Q: What is the difference between a lesbian and a killer whale?
A: Three thousand pounds.
A flannel shirt.
And the whale has a better sense of humor.

OK, OK, I know! Just like I know lots of lesbians out there in the LGBT community who work hard every day to overcome this stereotype. But every so often, something comes along, where you just have to shrug and say, "What is it with these folk?"

The winners of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award are Tracy Lee Poirer and Tamara Marie Upton. They earn this honor not for being lesbian lovers, but for what the two of them did on July 3, 1990, in Roseburg, Oregon (which just happens to be the birthplace of Shelley Plimpton, who sang "Frank Mills" in "HAIR." Only do you hear it here, darlings!!!).

These were a pair of lesbian lovers, who weren't above picking up, then robbing and rolling straight men. They traded on the fantasy many straight men seem to have of wanting to share two women, or watch them indulge in lesbian sex. (Just like two straight men sometimes fantasize about sharing the same woman, but are they in any way homosexual????? Oh, NO!!!!!!! Yeah, right!!!!!!!!!!!)

Well on that July 3 night, Tracy and Tamara, robbed, rolled, then murdered, Donald Fish, who was, get this, a 4 foot dwarf!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, how low can you go??????????

These two bitches enticed, robbed, then overpowered Fish with their size, and killed him by stoning him to death, like Parker and Hulme did to Parker's mother in "Heavenly Creatures." For sheer cruelty, I can't think of anything more despicable--taking advantage of the victim's size, to exert power and dominance?????
Even Aileen Wuornos had compassion for one of her potential victims, and set him free!!!!! But these two are a pair of cold fish, no pun intended.

And their post prison history is spotty. Both were convicted and sentenced to life without parole. Poirer was considered the more lethal of the two, as she had been a former mental patient, and committed this crime while out on parole for another. They are behind bars, now, but in 1998, Poirer, with a fellow prison guard, Pamela Kay Trimble, escaped and went on a road spree! They were apprehended, and Poirer is now in a maximum security facility, Upton is still imprisoned, and Trimble is out, though I wonder if she should be.

There is no question that these two bitches--Poirer and Upton--deserve what they got. Next to murdering a child, the killing a of a size handicapped adult is pretty low on the scum pole, even among criminals. Perhaps the gals in the pen have been working them over. Unless they are in solitary.

But, as soon as I heard about them, I knew I had found this week's "Bitch Of The Week." They set a new low for crime, and raise the bar higher on negative attitudes toward lesbians that need to be overcome.

Where is Kathy Griffin, as Babs Duffy, when you need her???????????


  1. hehehehehe... Deadly Women brought me here.

  2. It was Wicked Attraction that brought me here!!! Gotta love ID! AWESOME ARTICLE... THX!
