Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dockett Number.....Underway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, it has finally happened!!!!!!! The Case Against Dahrun Ravi, or the Tyler Clementi Case, call it what you will, has finally come to trial, and, believe me, plenty are keeping their eyes peeled on this one. If I were still living in Highland Park, you bet I would be over in New Brunswick, because this has to be the equivalent of the Tom Robinson trial in Maycomb from "To Kill A Mockingbird."

Civil rights were at stake in that trial; here, all kinds of rights abound--civil, certainly, but also the right of privacy, the right of the individual to their own sexual orientation, be that what it may, and where to draw the line on what is appropriate and not cyber behavior!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, Steven Altman and the Defense Team are not so much going to smear Tyler as paint a rosy picture of Dahurn--that he is NOT anti-gay, homophobic, or out to do anything beyond an immature prank. Now, walking in on them and shouting "Boo!" could be construed as immature, especially since the only players in that scenario, would have been Tyler, Dahrun, and the mysterious "M.B." But, with the use of the Internet, it became an almost global thing, which humiliated Tyler--would, indeed, humiliate most anyone--in the most brazen manner possible.

It cannot be ignored. If Tyler had been straight, this would not be an issue. But once it was established that the encounter was homosexual, Mr. Ravi became titillated by the idea of exposing his roomie, who, even before they met, he had expressed strong reservations about, because of the fact that Tyler was gay, and was both honest and courageous enough, to let him know.

Actually, Tyler's doing such speaks not only of honesty; he may have been doing Ravi a favor, so that, if he truly was uncomfortable rooming with someone gay, he was given an immediate chance to do something about it.

But he didn't. Instead, he posted his reservations about this more than once, had to be coerced by his father into speaking to Tyler, when they first moved into the dorm, and was so discomforted, he had to open the closet door, and go behind it, to undress, if Tyler was in the room. Sounds like someone has some gay issues to me, darlings!!!!!!!!!

Which is for the jury of 16 peers and four alternates to decide. I have never heard of a jury that size. Perhaps this is how things are done in Jersey; what do I know, having lived in NYC nearly 30 years??? Whatever the outcome, it is sure to set off sparks--and believe me, if I do NOT like the outcome, I will be so angry I will have to take the day off!!!!!!!!!! But, let us not get ahead of ourselves, darlings.

Everyone seems to be waiting, with baited breath, on what Molly Wei will say when she shows up. She struck a plea deal, to get a lesser charge, and while she is no angel, I read that she was not exactly close to Dahrun when they attended the same high school, and that when she saw the name Dahrun on her dorm door, once arriving at Rutgers, she groaned, because, as she said, she knew only one person by that name, and was not happy being in his proximity.

Yet the two acted together. So, how does she wiggle out of it, and what will she say of Dahrun that will favor the prosecution????? Inquiring minds want to know.

Even more, these minds want to know how "M.B." will be utilized in court. Will he show???? Testify on tape, or behind a screen? What can he say?????
And will his true identity actually leak out???? I believe, with time, it will!!!!!!!

So much is riding on the outcome of this case. Yet whatever social parameters it touches, first and foremost are Tyler and his family. It is they who seek justice, and I sincerely hope what is meted out is what they deserve and can live with, rather than what we, the public, may want!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, how I would like to be called, and get on the stand and testify on behalf of the prosecution!!!!!!!! Because I got just one thing to say, and then I ain't gonna say no more!!!!!!!! Just like Mayella Violet Ewell!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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