Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Farewell, February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With this day, darlings, the period I refer to as the longest of the year comes to an end. I am talking about that period from January 2 to today, which is when Winter Blues sometimes set in, some years more than others. The last have been less so, thanks to you know who, girls!!!!!!!!!

Still, I cannot help feeling some relief that this period has come to an end, as we segue into March, which means Spring for sure, and longer days. That late December period where daylight ends at 4:30 PM has come and gone, so we can move on!!!!!!!!!!

Farewell, February!!!!!!!! You were quite a month, and provided a lot of drama!!!!!! On with March and the advent of Spring!!!!!!!!!!

La Sacre Du Printemps, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Davy Jones died today. My first gay crush when I was 8!

  2. Oh, my God! I had not heard! How well I remember him on The Monkees!
    How old was he?

  3. Only 66, of a massive heart attack.
