Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Go Sit On Your Tuffet, Little Miss Wei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well girls, the Tyler Clementi case, or what its sanitizers are calling the Rutgers Spy cam Case, in order to deflect from the tragic death of this young man, to benefit the defense of the heinous Dahrun Ravi, is now full swing, and testimony by Ravi's alleged cohort, Miss Molly Wei, has begun.

What is fascinating to me are the machinations of this slant eyed Miss. I still say she should, as punishment, work in a Chinese laundry, or wash dishes at the Wo Hop restaurant in New York's Chinatown!!!!!!!! She made a plea deal, in which she agreed to cooperate with the prosecution, thereby, testifying against her classmate and cohort, Dahrun Ravi. But what has been coming through in articles, and what I heard on the radio, sounds suspicious to me. So far, every word out of Miss Wei's mouth suggests more help for the defense rather than the prosecution.

Could she be adding perjury to her charges as well? How is this serving the prosecution, and how does it meet the standards of the plea deal???? I want to know.
The one thing I will grant credence for is her assertion that when Tyler Clementi was first discovered missing from campus, and it became at the time a possibility that he may have committed suicide, she states she was genuinely upset, so much so, she went home to her parents.

Are these crocodile tears, or is she telling the truth???? Actually, a little of both!!!!! I think the possibility of Tyler's death did disturb her, and arouse in her some guilt for her complicity. And her plea deal, while calculated, showed she recognized, to a degree, that the charges against her were serious enough that jail loomed. She at least had some understanding that what she did and what went down was wrong. Ravi has not made any sort of statement, outside of refusing to take a plea deal on the ground that he is innocent.

There was a "Law and Order" episode (I think it was the Original, not 'SVU'), where a general from a South American country is put on trial for war crime atrocities. He sits there, arrogant and self righteous throughout. When the jury comes back with the verdict, and he is asked, as the defendant, to rise, he refuses outright, saying he does not recognize the judge's authority to judge him!!!!! Honey, I can see the same thing happening with Ravi, and it would not surprise me if he pulled the same act!!!!!!!!!

I am sure the Clementis are there each and every day. My thoughts and prayers are with them, and I know all my girls send them the same!!!!!!! The thought of Ravi walking away from this is too heinous to imagine, because the message it sends about how society regards its more vulnerable is unimaginably contemptible!!!!!
Some kind of retribution must be handed out to Ravi, not just for Tyler and the Clementis, but as assurance that such behavior, no matter how immature, will NOT be tolerated.

Which remains to be seen. But I want to know how the prosecution can think what Wei has said so far can help them. More like nailing them into a coffin. They need to set their strategy or else grill her mercilessly to get her to admit what we all know--that this was more than a prank, it was a hate crime!!!!!!!!!!!

The world is watching this very closely. A political powder keg is about to explode, and when it does, darlings, do NOT get caught in the line of fire!!!!!!!!!!

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