Monday, February 6, 2012

Moo Shu Pork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, so much has been going on, that I wouldn't want anyone out there to think I am not up on things. So, let me just say, that, while I have not reported it yet, I have known, since February 1, that Piper Laurie was in the audience at the first preview performance of "Carrie."

Imagine--the original Margaret White!!!!! Bet Piper got a kick out of this one, darlings. "Carrie," as some may know, was a legendary 1988 Broadway flop that was so BAD I am sorry I missed seeing it. I know many who have, and, along with "Got Tu Go Disco," this is the flop I wished I could have seen!!!!

Downtown, at the Lortel Theatre, on Christopher Street (somehow, that is SO appropriate, darlings!!!!) the musical is being reworked, in collaboration with the Manhattan Theater Club. Musical theater veteran Marin Mazzie is playing Margaret White, which should be very interesting, and the show promises to be so scaled down--not a drop of blood--yet still retain the story's impact. This I have got to see, and, just to reassure you, girls, I am!!!! Monsieur and I are seeing this on the 18th, and let me tell you I will give a full report!!!!!

But you didn't think I would miss the beat, not knowing Piper was in town, at this show???? Sweeties, don't even consider that possibility, because, I am telling you, hardly anything escapes the Raving Queen.

Which brings me now to Liza Minnelli!!!!!!

Poor Liza!!!!! It has now gotten to the point, thanks to Christine Pedi's brilliant impersonation, that people now think Christine IS Liza, while Liza herself is some impostor!!!! Even I, darlings!!!! I mean, I just love when Christine/Liza says, "Two hips, two of these is mine!!!" Priceless, darlings!!!!! And I am telling you, Moo Shu Pork is destined to become now the most frequently ordered item on Chinese restaurant menus here in town!!!!!

But wait! Because the insanity is about to get worse. As some of my girls MUST know, there is a biopic in the works on Judy Garland (as long as there is money to be made, the poor woman is not allowed to rest in peace), with Judy being played by Ann Hathaway, which makes sense, as I can see it. Hathaway has both the voice and the acting chops, so she should do a credible job. But the question of who will play Liza's father, Papa Vincente Minnelli, has yet to be decided. Well, girls, I wouldn't want to start any rumors, now (Are you kidding???), but the word on the street is that Liza, in drag, is going to play her father!!!! And I do mean Liza, not Christine!!!! Though, eventually, I can picture Christine doing a spot on impersonation of Liza playing Vincente!!!!!

I think this casting is perfect!!! Someone recently asked me, "How many gay men has Liza married?" Well, honey, the answer should be obvious to anyone--it hardly matters, because Liza IS a gay man!!!! I have known that for years, darling!!!!!!!

So, keep your eyes and ears peeled, girls, because, if this does happen, remember where you heard it first!!!!!! I, for one, can't wait to see Liza play her father!!!!!

Just like I cannot wait for the next installment in the Christine/Liza saga!!!!!

And remember, darlings, Red is the new Navy Blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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