Monday, February 20, 2012

Time It Was, And What A Time It's Been, Darlings!!!!!!

First things first, girls!!!!!!!!!! Despite rumors to the contrary, I was NOT at Whitney Houston's funeral!!!!!! I was afraid if I went I might bitch slap that Bobby Brown!!!! Besides, I had my own set of dramas going, this weekend!!!!

And I am not just talking about Monsieur and my viewing of "Carrie" (where I did get my special "Carrie" coffee mug, darlings!!!!!) though we did go, and you WILL hear about that, loves!!!!!!

The drama began when we arrived at Monsieur's from my place, where we had spent Friday eve!!!! We had just gotten in, I was settled down for a little bit of "Law and Order," when my cell phone went off. It was my sister, who was in California, having just flown off there on Thursday. She wanted me to call her, so, darlings, I knew something was up!!!!

It seems Friday eve, my doctor went to the nurse at the Front Desk of his facility, near Downingtown, PA, complaining of chest pain, pain up and down an arm (don't know which one!!!), and back pain. They examined him, his pulse was low, and after a call to my nephew Jonathan, who is nearby, and then one to Jonathan's mother (my sister!!!) the ambulance came and took him to nearby Brandywine Hospital!!!!!! The doctors thought (because no one KNOWS) he might have had a "cardiac incident!!! So they kept him there.

My sister, meanwhile, was frantically trying to get a flight back East for yesterday (Sunday). She succeeded, arriving in Philly at 5:30 PM. Meanwhile, I had spoken to my father, in his room; he was lucid, if groggy (from having been on a morphine drip!!! Just what I need, honey!!!!!) He attributed the whole thing to stress and fretting, as he called it; I have to wonder if my sister being out of range in California, had something to do with it.

This morning, he is scheduled (probably undergoing right now, loves!!!!) for a heart catheterization, to see if his stent is all right, or what is the matter. He expects to be out of there sometime today or tomorrow; only Time will tell!!!!!!

Meanwhile, I had some attendant drama of my own!!!!!!

Around 2PM, yesterday, Monsieur and I ventured out, to meet my friend Judy at Manatus.
On the way, we stopped in at one of the chi-chi shops on Bleecker Street, where I had my eye, girls, on the most stunning little castle shaped purse, with sparkles!!!!! I would be the toast of the Mayfair set, loves!!!!!

Anyway, when I walked out of there--Monsieur was in front, his back to me, so he did not see--I thought the ground outside was flat. It was not; there was a step there, so, before I knew it, down I went, tumbling into a group of Asian tourists, who screamed, as if I was attacking them, when I was finally on the ground (having my fall cushioned by them) in abject pain, because the outside part of my left foot had come down hard on the ground, and I was not sure if I could walk!!!!!

As you would expect, darlings, I was hysterical!!!! Monsieur and I made it to a stoop nearby, where he comforted me, and I manged to hobble my way to the restaurant, where we met Judy, gave her the gift copy of "The Instructions," had a lovely time, then hobbled back home. I made it up the stairs of Monsieur's walk up, got onto the bed, and thank God for "Law and Order," because oh! The Pain! darlings!!!!!! That section of my foot swelled up something fierce, and I could barely make it to the bathroom in this very small apartment!!!!! We had decided that if there was no improvement, I would go to the doctor today. We iced it, and I stayed off my feet. By the middle of the night, when I awoke for my nightly visitation, I felt tenderness, but I could walk better. I did not need a cane. And, this morning, I feel better, though still tender. No doing "A Chorus Line," darlings; so Baayork, if you need a Cassie this week, I am not available!!!!!!

And this was just a fraction of the weekend!!!!!! Drama just seems to follow the Raving Queen, no matter what!!!!!

Take it from me, darlings--watch your step!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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