Friday, March 2, 2012

Darlings, The First Social Event Of March!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me tell you, queens of all shapes and sizes (along with my friend, Judy!!!!!!!) turned out at Three Lives Books last night, for Christopher Brams's reading. He read from his new, non-fiction work "Eminent Outlaws," a collection of essays covering gay writers he felt influenced him. Host Toby was on hand to pour refreshing Pellegrino, and the Enchanting Ryan was on hand to assist and...enchant!!!!!!

But the highlight was Chris reading, talking about Gore Vidal and "The City And The Pillar," and an early gay writing group, known as the "Violet Quill." Which is what I should be in, darlings!!!!!!!!

Also on hand was Joel, of Adam and Joel, famed for his Mai-Tais. If only he had stirred some up then!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But a wonderful time was had by all! And I cannot wait to read this book!!!!!!!!

Just LOVE those literary events, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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