Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Girls, It Just Does Not Get NASTIER Than These Lesbians!!!!!!!!!!!!

You all know how much I love "Snapped", darlings!!!!!!!!!! Well, the other night they almost went too far when they broadcast the case of Nicky Puddicome and Ashleigh Pechouk. These two were lesbian lovers, except Nicky, who was 36, about 13 years older than the young and vulnerable Ashleigh, was some piece of work-- I bet she is some kind of first cousin to Dahrun Ravi--carrying on with her boyfriend Dennis Hoy, not to mention her cute 19-year-old roomie Fitzpatrick, while pulling the wool over poor Ashleigh's eyes.

This Nicky is one piece of work, darlings, and when she was finally convicted, I said, take the damn key and lock her up. Playing Ashleigh for a fool, and Kilpatrick for that matter, although if he was dumb enough to go along, he deserves whatever he gets. He should have gotten a jail sentence, because I think he had something to do with Dennis Hoy's death--I think he actually did the hitting. But that Nicky was one sly piece of psychotic calculation, and no jury was going to melt from her. Especially with Ashleigh looking so pretty and vulnerable in a Hillary Swank "Boys Don't Cry" kinda way--but lots prettier. Hell, in a dress, Ashleigh might be able to be turned out!!!!!!!!!!!!

It gives one pause walking past lesbian bars late at night. You never know what you are in for. Like when I lived in Brooklyn, and these two lived next door to me, and, as I sat reading in bed, I could feel the walls pounding, with one of them yelling, "Where the hell is my birthday card? Gimme my goddamn birthday card!!!!" This doll had more birthdays than Lewis Carroll's Alice, from the sound of things!!!!!!! Was I glad when they moved out. It took the entire building to evict them. And you know what they did before they took off in--what else?--their pickup truck???? They took lipstick (not that they ever used it on themselves) and wrote "Fuck you!" over all the walls, mirrors, and such.

Compared to living by Nicky and Ashleigh, I was lucky!!!!!!! "The Killing Of Sister George" may not be the whole story, but I am telling you, this sick sex trio up in Toronto were pieces of work. Each got what was deserved except Kilpatrick--who should be jailed.

But he has time, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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