Thursday, March 22, 2012

Girls, These Are Two Pieces Of Real Scum!!!!!!!!!!

The winners (yes, there are 2) of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award can only be identified by the names given, because at the time of what qualified them for this distinction, they were only 12 years old. Age has no premium or limitation on bitchery, loves!!!!!!!!!

The names are Raymond H. and Jeovani R. They are the two young lads, who back, in November, hoisted a shopping cart over a railing 50 feet above ground. It landed in the parking garage below, striking Marion Hedges, New York mother of two. blinding her, and sending her into a coma, from which she has miraculously recovered. And now she is saying she forgives these boys, even though she has not had an apology from them.

The incident took place at an East Harlem Target store. Hedges' grandson was with her, and witnessed the incident, so you can imagine the psychological trauma this poor child has to deal with.

And what are the culprits dealing with? They are incarcerated in group homes, which may not be country clubs, but which are far from the institutionalized reformatory they should have been sent to. What kind of scum is allowed to run lose these days? I can't wait to hear someone say these boys were just doing a prank. Just like those who still claim that about webcam sleaze Dahrun Ravi!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have these boys been assigned therapy????? Community service????? Made to issue an apology to Hedges for the tragedy they created for her singlehandedly???? And to what end????? To amuse themselves???????????

Darlings, you could not ask for better winners for Bitch Of The Week this week. Maybe they need to be dumped into the prison system. It sounds like they are on their way!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then they will be the bitches, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The Trayvon Martin case is the one that's been obsessing me. They way you (and I, for that matter) felt about Tyler Clementi is the way I feel about this poor boy. And this Zimmerman piece of scum hasn't even had his gun taken away from him, let alone arrested. Remind me never to move to Florida!

  2. You took the words out of my mouth! First thing I said when I heard about the case was "Another reason not to live in Florida."

    Fortunately, for my family, all FLA ties have been severed. Last November we moved my 96 (97 in April) father to a Catholic facility not far from my sister in PA. Just about a month ago, his condo, which he was concerned about selling, was sold. So now Florida will have no place in my future life! Hooray!

  3. Congrats! My parents had retired to Sarasota, but after my dad died in 2002, my mom moved back up here. Thank God I don't have to go down THERE anymore!
