Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy St. Jospeh's Day, Darlings!!!!!!

"When the swallows come back to Capistrano,
That's the time I'll be coming back to you!"

Well, girls, here we are, a sure sign Spring--which arrives Wednesday--is on the way. Today is the Feast Of St. Joseph, and the day, according to legend, that the swallows of Capistrano, CA, return to their mission.

I can recall news stories of people sitting out in lawn chairs, watching for this event. It was a big deal, darlings!!! Today, I think it survives as a quaint piece of folklore, but one that is nice to remember, and a gentle reminder that Spring is definitely on the way.

So, watch those skies, darlings!!!!! Not for UFO's, but for those arriving swallows!!!!!

And try to look as glamorous as Tippi Hedren!!!!!!!!!!!

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