Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Jury Is Still Out, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deliberations have now begun in the case of the State of New Jersey vs. Dahrun Ravi, or what those of us who really care call, more euphemistically, the Tyler Clementi case. Day One ended without a verdict, which does not surprise me in the least. And I do not envy these jurors, who are on one of the highest profile cases ever known, and the most renowned they will ever be associated with. The Gay community is hanging on their word. So is the Straight Community. So, most importantly, are the Clementis themselves.

What I find interesting is what I read about how this jury was chosen. A collective mixture of middle aged boomers and Gen Y or Z, or whatever they call themselves technonuts to guide the more challenged through the hazardous world of cyber space. On some level, this seems like a good idea. But when I hear how they also chose a jury who would not be afraid of a public backlash, should a Not Guilty verdict be handed down, I bristled.

Listen, you better believe there will be a public backlash, and I will damn well lead it!!!!!!!! I order the Gay Community to march in protest of what such a verdict would mean. And I am not just saying this for Gay rights. After all, the specter of homosexuality just happened to be the particular nature of Tyler Clementi's--to use a word--handicap. If the verdict handed down gives someone like Mr. Ravi the right to abuse someone like Tyler, by saying what he did was not wrong, then this gives carte blanche to all kinds of social persecution. What about humiliating the physically handicapped? Or the intellectually/emotionally retarded??? The harassment could just as easily have gone down that way, and with a Not Guilty verdict, the path will be clear to an Abuser's Field Day!!!!!!!! Which is why such a verdict must not be given, and which is why it is important, above and beyond even the issues at hand, that Ravi be held accountable for his miserable actions.

Let him get deported. I don't care. Because, let me tell you, I may not have the qualifications, and I do not know if the defense or prosecution ordered a psychiatric exam on Ravi, but as sure as I am the Raving Queen, he exhibits all the classic behaviors and mannerisms of the sociopath. And you know what happens there--you let them escape, and sooner or later, they are heard from again. Unlike most sociopaths, Ravi has no particular charm. He does not how to schmooze or manipulate a room, which is one reason why I am sure his lawyer did not put him on the stand. Does it mean he is not a sociopath???? No, it means that his lack of empathy is more deeply embedded. Trust me, if Ravi skates, we will not have heard the last of him!!!!

So, I want this jury to take its time!!!!!!! And it sounds to me like they are wise enough to do so, knowing all the implications that hang in the balance!!!!!

But Justice For Tyler and Closure for the Clemetis is our biggest concern here, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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