Thursday, March 1, 2012

Let's Start March With Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!

Given the current winner this week, girls, and added on to last week's, it seems candidates are popping up all over the place, under the rubric, "How low can you go?"
Last week it was lesbian lovers robbing and murdering a four foot male dwarf!!!!!!
This week, the victims are Roman Catholic nuns!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me say, first of all, who has anything against nuns???? Look what they did for the careers of Audrey Hepburn, Jennifer Jones, Loretta Young, and the like!!!!!!! Whenever you have a play or movie featuring them, they sell tickets, you better believe it!!!!!! So, why would anyone want to do things to nuns???????

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Adriano Sotomayor!!!!!! This man, aged 54, who hails from Cape May, New Jersey (why does New Jersey always get the blame???) for three years has been running a Ponzi scheme of his own, hitting upon elderly nuns with alleged claims of their being beneficiaries of wills, after which whatever money they have gets stolen from them.

He started this ruse three years ago, with the Sisters Of Fatima in Puerto Rico. And he was still at it, when apprehended in--how appropriate, darlings!!!--Las Vegas!!!!!!!!!!

Forget the fact one nun had $250K on her!!!!!!! I know, I know, what about the vow of poverty???? Maybe Sotomayor thinks by putting them in literal poverty, he is helping them fulfill their Divine mission!!!!!!!!! Yeah, right!!!!!!!! He is just filling his coffer from the hands of the more vulnerable members of society--the nuns and the elderly!!!!!! He should have the book thrown at him--I believe he will--and I do not mean The Bible!!!!!!!!!!!

What has the world come to, when you have guys stealing money off nuns???? Even if said nuns may have a huge chunk of change, is that any of his business????? I don't see these nuns lounging on the beaches of St. Thomas with these gains; I am sure much of it is given to the church; if not in Life, then surely in Death.

Which makes Sotomayor one prize Bitch Of The Week!!!!!! HE is the one who should take the vow of poverty!!!!!!!!!!!

But, then, he will, darlings, because his next stop is a holding cell!!!!!

Bitch, bitch, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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