Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"Mama Told Me There'd Be Days Like This! There's Be Days Like This, Mama Said!!!!!"

Think you have it bad, darlings??? Here I am complaining about the loss of my Garland voice, and look what Mary Pickford and the Children have to contend with in the 1928 melodrama, "Sparrows."

My paternal grandmother, who had a gift for description, used to tell me in great detail about this movie, a sad meller where Mary tries to save a group of children and help them escape from a baby farm. The nightmarish sequence where they flee by escaping into the swamp, is the stuff of legend, and I never forgot how my grandmother vividly described this sequence. It was like I was seeing it take place before me, even though I have yet to see this film.

The next time you feel like having your own Pity Party, rent "Sparrows," and you will stop your complaining. Or you will be crying tearfully in support of Mary and the Kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember, girls, things could be worse. Unless you get discovered, like Lana Turner!!!!!!!!

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