Thursday, April 19, 2012

Darlings, Another Nail In The Coffin Of Baby Boomers!!!!!!!!!

                            Not that, at 82, when he died yesterday, Dick Clark was a baby boomer. But his impact on that generation was iconic.  I can remember, as a small, precocious child, twisting to Chubby Checker, or doing the Mashed Potato with Dee Dee Sharp, while watching "American Bandstand" on TV.  Dick Clark was synonymous with the rock music movement in  this country, and he introduced so many trailblazers on his show.

                              Later, when an icon of my parents' generation, Guy Lombardo, passed on, the torch of New Years Eve was passed from him to Clark.  The only time Clark missed was the year he had his stroke.
For eight more years, he persevered each December 31, and while the sight of him was somewhat discomfiting, his uplifting spirit and unflagging determination could not help but be admired.

                                So, it was sad news yesterday when this icon of the Boomer Generation passed on.
Not that it was wholly unexpected.  And not that he will  now be at peace.  But there is a sadness for those of us of a certain age.  Having witnessed the demise of Lombardo, and now of Clark, I have to wonder who will fill the void this coming New Years Eve????  Ryan Seacrest has been named, sort of, to fill the bill, but, honestly, can anyone point to him as some kind of icon?  Will he ever be??? Of course not; he will just be some good looking flavor of the month, whom, once age sets in, will vanish into obscurity.

                                 Want to hear whom I think should take over?  Someone truly iconic and out there--film director John Waters!!!!!!!!!!  Now, THAT would be something, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    But, for now, let us mourn for Dick Clark and the loss of his impact.  But while he was here, darlings, he made it count, like it was nobody's business


  1. Jonathan Frid, the original Barnabas Collins, has died also. But want some good news? Jake Gyllenhaal is starring in a new play for the Roundabout this fall. It's going to be at the Laura Pels, or whatever that theatre that used to be the American Place Theatre is now. The one on 46th Street, east of Broadway. PLEASE try to control yourself!

  2. I found out about Jonathan an hour ago. There will be a posting on him and "Dark Shadows" (the TV series) by tomorrow. BTW, who played Quentin? All I can recall is the named David.

    As for Jake, I heard about that this morning. I cannot wait. He will be nothing less than fabulous!
    And he can actually act!!!!!!!

  3. David Selby was Quentin; and of course the late great Grayson Hall was Dr. Julia Hoffman, my favorite. She was also Countess Natalie DuPres in 1795, and Magda the Gypsy ("I put a curse on you!") in 1897.

  4. Of course--David Selby! I can picture him right now. I saw him about eight years ago, the first time I saw the series "Cold Case." It was an episode entitled "Boy Crazy," and was a reworking of "Boys Don't Cry" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." David played the killer, now grown up, who had committed what he and the victim both thought of at the time as a mercy killing!
