Sunday, April 15, 2012

Darlings, The East Village Never Looked So Good!!!!!!!!!

                      Girls, I am telling you, Saturday night in the East Village, I don't know if I should be amazed or scared.  Things have really come down; unfortunately, not rents.  To think that in the 1960s this was the one-
time hippie gathering spot of New York, where suburban kids fled to, and from which the theatrical classic
known as "HAIR" sprung.  Last night, it was like, Fashion Faux Pas Central, with people armed up to their shoulder sockets in tattoos, skirts hiked so high they barely covered intimate spots, and fishnet stockings so torn and faded--and these folk thought they actually looked good.  And, listen, I am only talking about the men here!  The women I would hardly know how to describe.

                   So, it was first of all a pleasure, when we ducked into this little Italian eatery almost directly across from Theater For The New City, called Lanza's, which they claim goes back to 1904.  Actually, it looks it. But I had some wine, and, honey, let me tell you, it relaxed me, which was just what I needed.  The spaghetti and meatballs were scrumptious, and the sauce was home made; none of that Ragu stuff, let me tell you!!!!  I kept expecting Kaye Ballard to come out of the kitchen!!!!

                   Then, we went across the street to see the great Charles Busch's latest offering, the Biblical spoof "Judith Of Bethulia."  As soon as we walked in, we were treated to the strains of themes from classic Biblical epics over the speaker system.   I spotted "The Ten Commandments" and "Ben-Hur" right away.

                   Mr./Ms. Busch was engaging as always, matched by the great Mary Testa as the saucy handmaiden, and Jennifer Van Dyck as Nathan, who tends to speak in verse lines from Rodgers And Hammerstein musicals.

                   At a fast moving ninety minutes, it was a non-stop laugh riot; maybe not one I could so directly connect with as "The Divine Sister," but, with all the attendant drama in my life of late, it was a pleasure to leave it all at the door, and just kick back and laugh!!!!!!

                   Don't miss it, girls!!!!!  It is supposedly being done for a limited 24 performances, but I would not be surprised if it moved to a venue for an open ended run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     And, if it does, I want to see all my girls on the aisle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. OK disregard my last post; I see you went Saturday night.
