Saturday, April 21, 2012

Darlings, Edith Head Was Said To Give Good Costume, But Tania Head Gave Nothing But Grief To The Already Grief Stricken!!!!!!!!!

                             "What a cool liar you are, Melly," said Scarlett to Melanie in "Gone With The
Wind,"  after Melanie distracted her father and sisters from finding out Scarlett had shot a Yankee deserter.  Well, that pales beside the machinations of the woman, pictured above.

                                 One thing I will say up front about Tania Head--she is no Blythe Danner!!!!!!!!

                                 Maybe insecurity, or dissatisfaction with her appearance, was part of what caused her to do what she did.  Miss Head, who hails from Barcelona, and is really named Alicia Esteve, created something of a media sensation (though how I missed all this when it happened, girls, is beyond me!!!) when she became almost the spokesperson for the survivors of the tragedy of 9/11 at the World Trade Center.  When an organization called the World Trade Center Survivors' Network was founded, Tania eventually became its president.  But, as willing as she was to speak to and with survivors, she seemed uncomfortable with the media, a fact that was initially chalked up to shyness and modesty, but, which, after an investigation six years after the attacks, showed that nothing that she had said was  true.  Well, actually, some of it was. When younger, she had been in a car accident that left her with burns, treatment thereof, and almost losing an arm, and she took these fabrics of truth and incorporated them into a story involving herself in the fiery inferno of the World Trade Center. She claimed to have been on the 78tth floor when the plane hit, and to have been an employee of Merrill Lynch, as well as an undergrad from Harvard, and a graduate degree holder from Stanford!!!!!!!!!!!!  Uh huh!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well, none of it proved true.

                                     Miss Head may not have physically harmed anyone, but she has done more psychological damage to as large a group of people as I can imagine. Trust violation alone does not begin to cover it.  What is unfathomable is why--especially, as I am sure, by her careful avoidance of the media, who
understood that someday she would be found out.  Which she was.

                                        Sad to say, with the documentary "The Woman Who Wasn't There," which I
have recently seen, Tania Head will get more recognition and fame, which is what she seems to have wanted in the first place.  How said that such a worthwhile project as this film will give this fraud exactly what she wants, but does not at all deserve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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