Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Girls, I Am Going Out On A Limb For This!!!!!!!!

            But, darlings, considering the topic is theater, it is not much of a limb, since, after
30+ years of New York theatergoing and living, my instincts are pretty good.  Though let
me say at the outset that even while I am saying what I do, I am aware that I could also
be wrong.


            I predict that the Disney musical "Newsies," having newly arrived on Broadway
at the Nederlander, is going to be the TONY hit of this season!  A 21st Century "Annie," if
you will.  Only, instead of cute tots in rags, we have dancing , arm bulging newsboys, which
means the Theater Queen crowd is going to flock to it like denizens to a gay bar on Saturday
night when their favorite porn fantasy is appearing live!

            I felt this way as far back as last November, when I saw a couple of excerpts from
the show, on the MACY's Thanksgiving Day parade.  I did not see the show at Paper Mill--
though I wanted to--because by the time I was interested it was impossible to get a ticket.
And when I think how many Paper Mill offerings have hinted at crossing the Hudson to
Broadway, I am amazed that "Newsies" is the one that did.

             Which means it has to have something going for it.  It has got all those
dancing newsboys, and a basic, physical, musical and choreographic look to it that recall
the fun musicals of the past.  It is Basic Musical Theater, and no more--much as "Annie" was, when
it first appeared.   And just like that 1977 smash, I think the time now is right so that "Newsies" will
come off as refreshing.

                To think it started with a twenty-year-old Disney flop.  The movie "Newsies," first
released in 1992, and featuring two up and comers named Christian Bale and Trey Parker, I did
not have the experience of seeing, but what I saw told me that its makers must have seen "Mary
Poppins" when  young, and like many viewers of that film (including yours truly) were highly impressed
by the rooftop chimney sweep "Step In Time" number.  So much so that, using the NYC newsboy
strike of 1899, they tried to make their own, extended film version of that number.  With the result
that what little I saw looked stagnant, so why should I invest time in the rest of it?  Apparently, many
agreed with me--especially those who went--because this film died a quick death.  Until someone
got the bright idea of doing it live as a Broadway musical.

                    I am telling you, I cannot wait to see "Newsies."  I said the same thing about "Thoroughly Modern Millie" and Sutton Foster, when they first appeared--and look what happened. Though that show's source was a semi cult classic featuring Julie Andrews, Mary Tyler Moore, Ross Hunter production values, and, for camp value, Carol Channing, whose "Jazz Baby" remains a classic.  In other words, the movie already had something going for it before it reached Broadway. It was a better film than "Newsies."

                    But sometimes silk purses can be made from sows' ears.  Whether my prediction for "Newsies" turns out to be right or wrong remains to be seen, but I think it behooves all my girls to check it out.  And tell them the Raving Queen sent you.

                       And when I see it, I will give you a full report, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        After all, like Jean Kerr, I am now one half of two on the aisle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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