Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy Holy Week, Everyone!

          Darlings, I sure as Hell ain't no Bernadette (honey, I am not even Jennifer Jones!!!!!!) but I
certainly could not forget, with yesterday being Palm Sunday, that we have made it to another Holy
Week!  Can you believe it???? It seems like yesterday, girls, we were celebrating the last one.

           And I am such in a quandary this year.  Easter and Passover usually fall around the same time--
nothing unusual about that--but this year they are falling at EXACTLY the same time, (I don't know how
often that happens) but I am telling you, it is cramping the style of celebration this year.  Tentatively, at
this point, Monsieur and I have plans this weekend to visit some cousins of his in Northampton, MASS.
(the home of Smith College, alma mater to Sylvia Plath and Betty Friedan; the city being allegedly the
Lesbian Capital Of The World!!!) for a Passover Seder, which I am sure will be lovely, but how do I
 squeeze in not only my own Easter celebration, but the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette?"
To think, I may have to watch it on a lap top or YouTube this year.  What is a girl supposed to do,

           But note the word "tentative" in the above paragraph.  Monsieur is not sure if we will be
making the journey, what with our newly activated apartment hunt, and other things that may
necessitate keeping him at home this weekend.  Fine with me.  Then I can sail through Easter and
'Bernadette' with no problems.

             So, however you celebrate Holy Week this year, darlings, make sure it is a joyous one!

              Even if it just involves watching "The Ten Commandments."


  1. "Oh Moses, Moses, you stubborn splendid adorable fool!"

  2. Poor Anne Baxter--all her great work (even Zelda The Great on "Batman") and she will never live down this moment!

    My only favorite is of course Yul Brynner's famous "So it shall be written. So it shall be done."
