Monday, April 16, 2012

Here Is The Other One, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         As I promised, darlings, after my post on Spook-A-Rama, I would report on the even
better spook house ride at Coney Island, and here it is--Dante's Inferno!!!!!!!!!  This is my favorite, loves!
I mean, just look at the decorative detail outside.  Is that alluring, or what?  And the titled lettering overhead,with the winged demon,  I have long wanted to have, or to replicate, and hang in my apartment.
Wouldn't that be a conversation starter????  I mean, along with my framed "Song Of Bernadette" poster, home invaders wandering in might avoid my place like the plague--thinking this guy must be schizo!!!!!!!!!

                          I never fail to go on this ride, and have done so for at least 20 years, if not more.  You get into these cute, individual, roller coaster-like seats, and heaven help you if you are middle aged, because if two of you get in there, it is admittedly a tight fit.  But, then, with amusement parks no longer having Tunnels Of  Love, maybe the spook house rides are the last bastion of clandestinely making out at an amusement park!!!!!!!!!  In any case, you go through the flaming portal, into a world of darkness and sudden lights, with flashing images that may frighten children, but to us girls who know, are simply campy.  Though I would cool it with the making out, darlings, because, as one cannot see the track the seats are going on, there are some sudden turns that could result in whiplash, if one is not too careful.

                           My favorite part of the ride is when you go outside for a bit, and do that small roller coaster-like dip.  Hardly the Cyclone, darlings, but for those of us who don't have the tolerance for that, but want a small thrill, this is just perfect.  And don't forget to scream with delight as you coast down that incline!!!!!!!

                            But the ride itself is an architectural marvel.  Years ago, my friend Rory and I went on it, and he took a series of shots of me, standing in front.  Wish I had those photos now!!!!!!!

                             So don't miss the Dante's Inferno ride at Coney Island.  Easily my favorite ride there!

                              Hope to see all my girls there this season!!!!!!!!!  Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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