Friday, April 13, 2012

"Kill Her, Mommy! Kill Her!"

                Which is by way of saying, girls, we have arrived at another Friday The 13th!!!!!  And what better representative of that day do we have than Betsy Palmer as Pamela Voorhees??????

                  If one's attitude toward the day is that of a holiday, then you know that the original "Friday The 13th" from 1980, with Betsy, is the Holiday Movie to watch today!!!  Good thing it follows on the heels of Easter, because this is one film that does not blend in with Easter.

                  Betsy is Mother Love in this film, darlings!!!!  And talk about bullying!!!!! Decades before it was a vogue topic, Mrs. Voorhees was taking actions against the way her son, Jason, had been mistreated, leading to his drowning.  You have to hand it to her, dolls!!!!  It may not have been what your parents, or mine, would have done, but boy, did she take action!!!!  And don't we all just love watching her do it!!!!!

                 So, a happy Friday The 13th, to Betsy, and especially the citizens of Blairstown, New Jersey (where this was filmed, and has since become a pilgrimage spot for cineastes), who, I am certain have a high old time every time this date rolls around!!!!!!!!

                 "....What you did to him!  LOOK what you DID to him!"


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