Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Oy Vei, Goils; I'm A Bagel On A Plateful Of Onion Rolls!!!!!!!!!!

                               As girls and queens of all sorts--Raving, Theater or otherwise--know, today is
the birthday of Barbra, La Streisand, La Strident.  But it is not just any birthday.

                                Today, girls, Barbra turns 70!!!!!!!!!  That is right, darlings!!!! The big 7-0!!!!!!

                                Can you believe it? I hardly can.  It seems like only yesterday I was a small tyke, curled up in my bed back in Highland Park, listening to tales of New York on the radio, picturing Barbra doing "Funny Girl" at the Winter Garden nightly, and imagining myself doing the same thing someday.

                                  Well, that "Mama Mia" thing is still there, and while I am not adverse to singing a few ABBA songs, my terms are known.  I will NOT do "Mama Mia" onstage, unless Meryl does it with me!  That is right, darlings, Meryl!!!!!!!!

                                     As for the recent  "Funny Girl," revival,  well you saw how that fell flat.  Time is waiting for the
right performer--ie; moi-- to deliver the goods, and I will only do it at the Winter Garden.

                                      Paying tribute to Barbra this morning, I ran through some of her classics myself--
"The Way We Were,"  "Evergreen," "Coronet Man," "I'd Rather Be Blue," and "Who's Afraid Of The Big,
Bad Wolf!"  Just ask Monsieur, loves!  He had to listen to me doing them!  There is no doubt my voice has returned.  Let's hope it lasts long enough for a long run!!!!!!!!!!

                                       But look how long a run Barbra has had!  Seven decades, and her voice is still in amazing shape--so much so that she is still considering doing Grandma Rose in a movie remake of "Gypsy." If you ask me, dolls, she should do a "Gypsy" album, record the entire score with she and a whole new cast.
But not appear on film.  It simply would not work at this time.

                                         That is for the future to determine.  Today, we love our Barbra, and she loves...
Barbra!!!!!!!!  So, Happy 70th Birthday, Miss Streisand, and many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Because, darlings....People who remember Barbra
                                                                             Are the luckiest People in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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  2. Thanks so much for the kind words. Please feel free to drop on here, anytime. I have to edit the word "Onnion<" will do so later.

    Have a great day
