Monday, April 9, 2012

This Is Just So Frustrating, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       Murder, murder, murder!  It seems I just cannot get away from it, girls!!!!!! I need a vacation, or at the very least a trip to Bergdorf's.  But cheer up, loves, soon there will all be kinds of things to report.

        But for now, it is The River Valley Killer, which I just discovered. It seems back in the 80s a septet of homicides--all women--in the New England area (Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont) had police stumped.  To this day, the whole thing is a proverbial Cold Case, but after a little investigation on my part, and listening to the testimony of survivor and would-have-been eighth victim, Jane Boroski, I am convinced the man pictured above, Michael Nicholau, is the River Valley Killer.

         Or was--for Nicholau is deceased, dying having killed his wife, and then himself.  Nice, huh? But, then, this guy has a history to make anyone suspicious.  A former Viet Nam vet, who sounds like the Robert Bales of his day, Nicholau was said to perpetrate acts of random violence while in Viet Nam.  He became the owner of a porn shop, The Pleasure Chest, which shows you how much class, originality, let alone integrity he has.  He was said to have a hatred of women, which, of course, makes him a perfect candidate for being a serial killer.

          But what convinced me was what I read about survivor Jane Boroski. When she was shown a photo of Nicholau, she got chills. convinced that the man whose photo she held in her hands had been her attacker. And this photo was supplied by a relation of Nicholau, who had harbored a dreadful family secret.

           Too bad Nicholau offed himself.  And note there have been no more River Valley killings.  Even if he were alive, he might have been too old to wreak harm; serial killers peak during their 30s.  This guy would be near senior citizenry now, which would make his energy and stamina less than during his heyday.  Pity, too he did not live to get a conviction and incarceration or execution. How nice for the victims' families, and survivor Jane.

             But at least it is known where Nicholau is.  His body is six feet under. The rest of him is turning on a spit over a piping hot flame, much farther down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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